
Micah and Kelsey Harrison

Serving in Europe

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In recent years, Italy has become one of the largest points of entry for migrants and refugees seeking a better life or fleeing their country from war and persecution in Africa and the Middle East. It is a crucial moment in time as God brings unreached people groups into Italy who have never had access to the gospel and sometimes, never even come in contact with a Christian before. Many of the people are coming from closed nations which means they are coming from countries where it might be illegal or very dangerous to be a Christian. We consider this our greatest opportunity to reach those who come from closed nations by sharing about the greatest Hope of all - Jesus Christ.

We minister to the refugee and immigrant populations in the country of Italy. Our mission is to provide a place of hope and belonging to the people within the community. We believe this to be a HOLISTIC mission, sharing the whole gospel to the whole person. This means meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. PHYSICAL, by assisting them with basic essentials such as food and clothing. EMOTIONAL, by giving them access to fun and creative classes and activities to uplift their spirits. And most importantly SPIRITUAL, by discipling and teaching them the Word of God and who He is. We want to be more than a friendly face in the community. We want to build relationships with the people, get to know them and their story, and ultimately share the message of the gospel with them and how Jesus can completely transform their life! 

Reaching the Lost Through Media

Micro SD cards are given to individuals where they can be mounted into mp3 players, cell phones, laptops, etc to access the files inside which include the audio Bible, worship music, and Biblical videos. QR codes, each personalized to link to a webpage in a different language, are also being distributed in order to break the barriers of language and access by providing instant connection to the word of God! These are just some of the resources that are given to those who have never heard the Gospel!

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”— Romans 10:13 


Thank you so much for your prayers and for investing in what God is doing in Italy! We are so grateful for you! 



The Harrison Family

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