
Dave & Debbie Johnson

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 2256006

[email protected] www.apts.edu Phone: N/A


Dave has been a missionary to the Philippines since 1994 and Debbie since 1996. We were married in 1997. For many years we were involved in evangelism, church planting, and church leadership development.

In the first part of 2013, we accepted an invitation from the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) in Baguio City, Philippines, to join the fulltime faculty. Dave does some teaching, but his main passion and portfolio is publishing. He edits the seminary's theological journal, the Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies, which can be found online at www/apts.edu/ajps and he direct the school's book publishing arm, APTS Press. A list of our published works, which includes Dave's second book, "Theology in Context: A Case Study in the Philippines" can be found under the APTS Press page at www.apts.edu.

APTS uses English as the language of instruction. Debbie heads up the school's English language program, which helps Asian students from other language backgrounds to prepare for study in our regular programs.<Both of us are passionate about mentoring and preparing the next generation of Asian pastors, evangelists, missionaries and  Bible school teachers to carry the gospel to the unreached in Asia. Thank you for partnering with us!

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