
Ashley Garcia

Serving in Eurasia

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Ashley Garcia is a 28-year-old career missionary serving in Chisinau, Moldova.


Ashley is passionate about church planting, reaching the lost and equipping young adults to lead. While in college Ashley served as a leader with Chi Alpha at Texas State University. Her passion for campus ministry led her into the deepest part of eastern Europe to a small third-world country—Moldova.  


Moldova is widely known for being the poorest country in Europe. Thousands of Moldovans are leaving the country every year to escape poverty and hopelessness, but Ashley believes she is called to Moldova to serve and reach the lost. She plays a crucial role in pioneering Chi Alpha Moldova, a student ministry dedicated to university students in the capitol city of Chisinau.


Young people are the next generation of leaders in Moldova, and Ashley believes in reaching, leading and equipping the next generation of leaders to live a Christ-centered life so that Hope is restored in Moldova.


In 2021, Ashley and her team leaders in Moldova planted Genesis Church Moldova. Ashley serves as the media director and associate pastor. 


Ashley uses her gifts in journalism and media as a gateway to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that all may hear.


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