
Vanessa Gonzalez Valdez

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 2972438

[email protected] Phone: 850-907-9831 Work: 850-245-0933 Mobile: 850-391-0430


Have you ever gone somewhere new and just wished that you knew someone? Wished there was a place where you could connect with people on more than just a surface level? When I was in college I longed for such a place, and I found it in a campus ministry. And for the past 8 years I've gotten the priviledge of working on the team that pioneered campus ministry in Indonesia, giving students from the word's largest Muslim country the same opportunity to belong and grow that I received.


We are located in the city of Jogja, and we serve the million students from the 70+ universities here. We have an international church and an English community strategically placed to give young people access to the gospel in a way that relates to them. It's through the deep relationships we build in our community that we get to share the life and freedom only found in Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reach college students and young professionals, equipping them to change the campus, the marketplace, and the world with the gospel. God is doing unbelievable things here in Indo, and it's great to be here! The best part is that it's not just me but you too, as we work together to share the life-saving power of Jesus with those that have yet to hear. Oh what amazing things are in store for us as we work together!


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