
Koren Van Valin

Serving in Asia Pacific

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Account 2964492

[email protected] Mobile: 517-214-1774


Hello or 안녕하세요 (an-yeong-ha-se-yo)


A little bit about me: I love reading fairy tale stories, watching movies with a big bowl of popcorn (and M&Ms), and serving to the extreme.


As a child, I was taught that serving is a gift. You can always learn something about people, God, and honestly, it feels good to serve. When I was a teen, I served in the sound booth in the church's youth ministry. Uniting together for the same vision was extraordinary.


Now, as an adult, I have an incredible opportunity to prepare for my call: bridging the gap for the never reached. I am in Korea training at a research center that teaches a deep understanding of the language, culture, and society of a sensitive country. I cannot share the details online, but I can share my excitement!


One of my biggest heartbreaks was realizing that God has to turn away the unsaved in heaven because "No one will go." I will! Will you go with me through your support? Will you partner with me as I go to Korea?


Please Join Me in Prayer:

For open doors.

To remember daily that He is bigger.

For His ways, not my own.


You Can Go too!

Go here to learn more: https://wideopenmissions.org


  For Monetary Support:

Credit card/Debit card - Online Giving

Click "Give Now" on the bottom left of this page. You will have the option to make your support recurring. There is also an "AG World Missions Monthly Commitment" form on the "Give Now" page. If you choose to give monthly support, please fill this out too. Without this, AGWM won't know if I have enough commitments for the established monthly budget.


Cash or Check - By Mail

Please write the check to AGWM and include my name and account # (2964492) on the memo line. You can fill out a commitment form online (as described above), print and mail, or even call: 417-862-2781 x2073 to commit to monthly support.


Please Mail to:


1445 N Boonville Ave

Springfield, MO 65802


For more options, please refer to the "Giving Instructions" under Resources.


Your Donation to Koren Van Valin

Your generous donations help vital Assemblies of God ministries and missionaries share the love of Jesus in cities and hometowns across the country, and throughout the world.

Make a Recurring Commitment

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