
Greg & Sarah Owens

Serving in Africa

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Our family serves as career missionaries with the Assemblies of God in Cape Town, South Africa. We are part of Urban Tribes, a new team-based church planting initiative strategically planting high-impact churches throughout Africa’s major cities to reach the influencers of those cities.

Because Africa is the fastest urbanizing region in the world, the goal is that these churches will multiply and transform their respective countries, and ultimately the African continent, with the love of Jesus Christ. The rapid rate of urbanization in Africa is offering unprecedented opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus to those that live in or are moving to major cities.

We have recently finished our first three-year term in Durban, South Africa where we helped launch a new Urban Tribes church. As we served on staff during the first two years of the church, we saw an average attendance of 210 people, had 150 people accept Jesus as their Savior, and baptized 70 people in water.

Because of the success of this church and to fulfill the vision of Urban Tribes, we have been asked to co-launch and help lead a new church plant in Cape Town, South Africa! We are excited about this new opportunity and are thrilled to be returning to South Africa to plant churches in the country that we love.

Cape Town is a multicultural city and has become the melting pot for all the diverse ethnicities that make up South Africa.

Our heart is to have a church that reflects this diversity and provides access to Jesus Christ for all people.

Our passion is to start a church that will bring transformational change to that entire region by being a church that exists not just in the city but a church that exists for the city.

Our vision is to plant influential, life-giving and diversely unified churches that provide access to Jesus Christ.

Greg has 18 years of pastoral experience, was ordained with the Assemblies of God in 2008 and has a B.S. in Business Management. Sarah has a PhD in Neurogenetics.

Thank you for your prayers and support as we serve in South Africa.

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