The Suffering Church on the African Coast: Nick’s Narrow Escape from Death


Life here in Africa’s Eastern Coast can feel surreal, seeing severe persecution against Christians firsthand, yet also seeing God move mightily in response. Our Assemblies of God World Missions Africa Live Dead team launched here in 2013 and has witnessed God heal the sick, cause demonic powers to flee, and create new life in His followers.

The faith of the six men, who we call the Band of Brothers, has been tested. They have been so convinced of the reality and truth of who Jesus is that even though they have all experienced loss, persecution, and threats, they are committed not only to following Him but to sharing His good news no matter what may happen.

Nick* was the first of the six men to enter the family of God. He came to faith in 2019 and was baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit in January 2020. He lost his job and was excommunicated by his family for his faith. His wife and unborn child died at separate times and in suspicious circumstances. Yet he continues to boldly share because “Jesus is worth it.”

As punishment for his faith, Nick was once taken away to be stoned. He closed his eyes and started praying in the Holy Spirit, certain he was about to die.

Having done all he could to try to persuade his captors to listen to him, he accepted his fate and felt a peace wash over him as he prayed. His captors had their hands on his arms and shoulders, leading him out to the village. Suddenly Nick felt all the hands drop off of him. Opening his eyes, he turned to see his captors running away. He was free! To this day, he still has no idea what they saw or heard, but we know Who was fighting for him!

This story is an excerpt from the v7n11 edition of WorldView magazine. To read the entire issue and others like it,click here.

*Name has been changed for security.

The Suffering Church on the African Coast: Nick’s Narrow Escape from Death

By AGWM personnel in a sensitive region

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