Buddhist Hindu Priority

We believe God is leading us to focus on the extension of Christ's hope to Buddhist and Hindu peoples.

What is the priority?

While the statistics are staggering, no number set can adequately describe the human need among those of Hindu and Buddhist worldviews. Long-term spiritual fruit among these precious peoples requires Christian believers to focus on the same personal ministry that Jesus used while on Earth. This priority emphasizes establishing the Church among all Buddhist and Hindu peoples everywhere.


Support these Goals in the Buddhist and Hindu Worlds

Join us in extending the hope of Christ to people close to the heart of God.

Buddhist Hindu Priority Goals and Objectives

AGWM, an agency with more than 100 years of missions history, is organizing goals to see breakthroughs in the Buddhist and Hindu worlds. The Buddhist Hindu Priority promotes filling on-the-field needs through prayer partners, new global workers, and funds. For this priority, AGWM has three major goals:


Support these Goals in the Buddhist and Hindu Worlds

Join us in extending the hope of Christ to people close to the heart of God.

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