WorldView: A Call to Prayer
AGWM believes in the power of prayer, and through our WorldView: A Call to Prayer newsletter, you’ll receive a weekly dose of prayer-focused content, including inspiring stories of how prayer is changing lives, prayer requests from people and communities in need, and updates on events and initiatives within AGWM. So why wait? Sign up for our newsletter today and join people around the world who are uniting in prayer so all can hear the Gospel.
Pray For A Missionary
Explore our list of missionaries from all around the world, and join with us in supporting them in prayer.
Join us in Prayer
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9–13

Pray with us for a group of people from Myanmar who recently experienced a miracle. As a man was riding his motorcycle at night, he missed a turn and had an accident. He broke several bones and injured his head, causing him to become unconscious. Do…

Ruth grew up in a Christian home in a Southeast Asia country but wasn’t sure if God was real. She believed a good education would bring honor to her family and put extreme pressure on herself to pass the university qualifying exam and earn a degree.…

Join us in praising God for a successful children’s outreach in South Africa. The Lands, global workers, held this outreach in a local neighborhood with five churches represented. They began with 70 children from those churches. After a parade throu…

Please pray for a new church plant in Brazil. The Orantes family works with King’s Castle in Brazil. Their team is beginning work on a new church plant in Nova Iguaçu. Not only will this new church reach the people of Nova Iguaçu, but it will also a…

Join us as we pray for global workers David and Carol Schmidt in central Africa. The Schmidts’ ministry largely focuses on tabernacle building, giving communities a church structure as a center for their ministry. The Schmidts share that as of just …

The Phillips, global workers in Europe, recently had opportunity to participate in a feeding program in Roma villages. Pastors tell them that as a result of these programs, the children in their communities are no longer begging for scraps of food. …

Rebekah Reed, a global worker in Germany, just moved into an apartment in a rural Bavarian farm village. On the street, Rebekah heard a woman calling after her, yelling, “Hello, are you the new neighbor?” Reed discovered that this woman is a friendl…

According to global workers, “2023 was the most violent year in Ecuador’s history with over 7,500 homicides.” This ranks Ecuador as the 11th most violent country alongside Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Despite the darkness that overwhelms this natio…

Global workers Peter and Delia Breit received a phone call asking them to share Jesus with a local family. In response, they arrived at a brand-new church building where more than 20 people were in attendance, awaiting what the Breits would share. T…

Join us as we pray for the great work being done through Africa's Hope. Africa's Hope is helping fund additional dorm buildings for a school located in Northern Cameroon. Africa's Hope is also helping purchase a print-on-demand system. This system, …

Join us in prayer for the abundant ministry taking place in Belize. Global workers Cody and Taylor Griggs have been asked to speak at a dozen churches, share at youth camps and conventions, attend the launch of Belize’s national Junior Bible Quiz (J…

Join us in prayer for the ministry taking place in the Philippines through global workers, Ed and Sherry Benish. Over the past year, the Benishs have partnered with ministries and volunteer friends to minister to more than 7,000 Filipinos in need. A…

Join us in prayer for the work being done in Cameroon. Global workers David and Carol Schmidt have built five tabernacles in the western region of Cameroon. This was made possible through donations and support. These tabernacles serve as structures …

As the war continues in Israel and Gaza, please pray for individuals and families affected by this crisis. Those in Israel and the surrounding areas are consistently monitoring the developments of this conflict. We are praying this does not escalate…

This past weekend, the terrorist group Hamas launched an attack against Israel and began a war that continues to escalate. Gaza is completely under siege and more than 1,800 lives have been lost between the two sides, with thousands more injured. …

Join us in prayer for Maputo, Mozambique. Global workers Kyle and Porscha Coffman began their ministry in Maputo, Mozambique in September and are already witnessing the Lord move. The Coffmans were given the opportunity to engage in campus outreach …

Join us in prayer for the launch of the Acts 2 Journey for the pastors and churches in Japan. Global worker Dan Lumadue will lead, teach, and facilitate four retreats that will take pastors and churches through the Acts 2 Journey. The first of these…

Join us in prayer for AGWM global workers preparing to reach the secular peoples of Europe. As Jesus commanded us to pray for more workers, Shawn and Deborah Galyen find joy in seeing the Lord continuously answer this prayer. Last June, the Galyens …

Join us in prayer for the jungle community of Itahuanía. The Harpers are AGWM Global Workers in the country of Peru. The couple moved to Itahuanía a year ago to put up columns and a roof as a church structure. Then, God brought people to the church!…

Join us in prayer for missionary families who are impacted by disabilities. The Pasche family serves as global workers in Thailand. They recently arrived back in Thailand and were delighted to introduce their youngest child, Judah, to the country th…

Join us in prayer for missionaries completing itineration and preparing for their transition to the field. The Reph family is preparing to leave for Burundi to serve as AGWM global workers. Preparing to depart for the field is filled with many emoti…

Join us in prayer for the lost people of Japan. Pray that they would receive the gospel in a city where many do not know Jesus. In Japan, “only one-half of 1% are followers of Jesus.” Dan and Paula Lumadue are missionaries to the second largest “nev…

Join us in prayer for the people of Northwest Argentina. In the capital city of San Miguel de Tucumán, only around 1% of the population are evangelical Christians. AGWM cross-cultural workers Chris and Heather Schneider had the opportunity to help i…

Join us in prayer for missionaries on itineration. Missionaries have the privilege of partnering with individuals and churches around the world to live-out what they are called to do. AGWM missionaries Weston and Allison Stover are in their last mon…

Pray for new believers among indigenous communities as they navigate the cultural challenges that come with accepting Jesus. Many face great punishment for forsaking their tribes’ indigenous beliefs in favor of faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray tha…

Pray with us for the Holy Spirit to continue using local churches to minister and testify to their communities. An example of this occurred in a poor village of southwest China, where a pastor believed God for a miracle after finding the leaves of t…

Please pray for the church planting teams throughout Nepal as each believer carries both a willingness to serve and obedience to God’s call. One church planting team is made up of a Romanian and Bolivian family, both working together to reach Tibeta…

Please pray for families across the Arab world to have an openness to the gospel message and unity in Christ. “Though the Arab World is traditionally hostile towards Christianity, we are seeing breakthroughs,” Eurasia Community shares. “Often times …

Join us in prayer for ethnic minority groups throughout the western regions of Northern Asia. “Most of these groups are difficult to access and bound by intense spiritual darkness,” says AGWM’s Northern Asia region. Pray that spirit-empowered worker…

Pray for God’s protection over Christians throughout Central and East Africa as they continue to face conflict and daily threats. “Some of the locations people work in are hostile to the Gospel,” AGWM personnel shares. “Pray for the health and safet…

Join us in prayer for persecuted believers to be strengthened across the world as they encounter violence, abuse, and even death. “Persecution and suffering among global Pentecostal churches has increased,” the Pentecostal Commission on Religious Li…

Join us in asking the Lord to strengthen new missionaries who are entering and serving in cultures different than their own. AGWM’s Europe region says, “Jesus took on a specific culture and language, was deeply involved in the community, and proclai…

The next WorldView tells the stories of a Live Dead team that is seeing real results in a difficult place. Recently, one young believer reached by the team decided to walk away from his faith. Let’s pray that God would miraculously provide opport…

Join us in prayer for Latin American Caribbean pastors as they further their training in theological education. The International Bible School Leaders Summit (held every other year) aids in this by offering sessions, workshops, services and other ac…

Join us in prayer that God would equip media missionaries to effectively minister the gospel message to the lost peoples of the world. “A new generation of church leaders is rising that is more tech-savvy,” writes Asia Pacific Media. “It’s an extrao…

Please pray for Estonians, suffering at the hands of mental health issues, past traumas, and abuse. "1 in 6 Estonians are sexually abused before the age of 15," AGWM personnel reports. "And 90% of the population does not believe in a God or spiritua…

Join us in prayer for current needs across the continent of Europe. Throughout 2023, the Europe region has led a prayer initiative for the needs of the region and connect with partners in the USA in real time. This month, the Europe region celebrate…

Please ask the Lord to continue providing Bible schools with access to educational resources through the distribution of print-on-demand systems. “Print-on-demand systems offer a more sustainable option for delivering curriculum and other materials …

Pray God will continue to use Christians who have decided to stay in Syria to serve as witnesses for Christ. Many face persecution amid the dangerous and harsh conditions that come with religious intolerance. Join us in prayer that the Holy Spirit …

Pray for the Lord to empower missionaries working with Ukrainians to stay strong. May He give them wisdom amid the crisis that is taking place, and open doors of opportunity to love, minister and serve others. Many of them are working diligently, wi…

Please pray for believers throughout Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia where over 90% of the population is Buddhist. New requirements have been implemented requiring 30 persons for the registrations of religious bodies. Pray for the Holy Spirit …

Please join us in prayer for our missionary team in Estonia, that they will have energy, peace, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they minister to others. Newly appointed AGWM missionary associate to Estonia John Crace shares, "Estonia is a wor…

Join us in prayer for Christians living in Eritrea, a country on the Northeast Coast of Africa where believers suffer greatly for their faith. “Hundreds have been arrested and imprisoned for years simply because of their commitment to Christ,” AGWM …

Pray for Jesus to use unexpected places to reveal Himself to the heart of the practicing Buddhist. AGWM missionary to Thailand Sara Whitehurst shares a powerful testimony of hope found at the funeral of a young Christian celebrity. Many in attendanc…

Join us in prayer that the Lord will continue to supply resources to Sri Lankans and global workers amid the economic crisis taking place. AGWM personnel reports of the difficulty that has come through the increased shortage in fuel and food items. …

Pray for God to minister to Thailand’s youth as many face the aftermath of criminal activity. AGWM missionaries to Thailand Brandon and Rachel Powell write, “One of the many ministry opportunities we think about on a daily basis is the network of yo…

Join us in prayer that God would grant compassion ministries both access and favor as they aim to serve others. In several Buddhist communities, this form of outreach is seen as an interruption of karma when the needs of others are helped through th…

Join us in prayer for the jungle community of Itahuanía. The Harpers are AGWM Global Workers in the country of Peru. The couple moved to Itahuanía a year ago to put up columns and a roof as a church structure. Then, God brought people to the church!…

Please pray for Buddhists who respond to the gospel message to birth church planting movements within their own communities. May God give His people a vision of a victorious church among these peoples. AGWM personnel reports, “Life, for the Buddhist…

Join us in prayer for AGWM global workers serving on staff at the Bolivia Hope Center as they minister to the needs of over 40 children. For over a decade, AGWM global worker Brooke Davis was involved in children’s ministry in PenFlorida, until God …

Pray for families, Christian workers, and churches across China, especially during Spring Festival. This holiday is a special time when people travel to spend extended time together. With the latest round of loosening of pandemic-related travel rest…

Join us in prayer for Christian women living in Chad, that God would use them to minister to the hearts of Muslim women. Due to conflict, thousands of Muslim women have fled to escape fighting in the Central African Republic—a landlocked country of …

Miracle Among People of Myanmar
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Pray with us for a group of people from Myanmar who recently experienced a miracle. As a man was riding his motorcycle at night, he missed a turn and had an accident. He broke several bones and injured his head, causing him to become unconscious. Doctors at a local hospital treated him, but told his wife that there was “little hope” for his recovery. The man’s wife, a Burmese Buddhist, “began to pray and read a Bible someone had given her.” When her husband was then transferred to a different hospital, doctors could find no remnants of any broken bones or brain swelling. The wife shared with AGWM global worker, Carol Feigleson, “God is really God, and He is answering my prayers!” Pray for this couple and the gospel seeds being sown in their lives. Pray that they will continue to experience God’s power. Pray that they, along with others in their community, move towards God’s salvation.

Created for a Reason
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Ruth grew up in a Christian home in a Southeast Asia country but wasn’t sure if God was real. She believed a good education would bring honor to her family and put extreme pressure on herself to pass the university qualifying exam and earn a degree. Her dream shattered after falling 0.25% short of the necessary score. “I felt unworthy, so I decided I had to die,” says Ruth. Standing above a 10-foot-deep lake with no knowledge of how to swim, she prepared to jump. Suddenly, a voice from the sky interrupted her, “Ruth, Ruth, Ruth, I did not create you for this reason.” It was then Ruth realized God was real. Her life belonged to Him. Pray for Ruth and others like her. Praise God that He intervened in Ruth’s life at such a critical moment. Pray that others in similar situations experience the same intervention and new purpose. Pray for Ruth as she lives life knowing she was created for a reason, and she is loved by God.

South Africa Children's Outreach
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Join us in praising God for a successful children’s outreach in South Africa. The Lands, global workers, held this outreach in a local neighborhood with five churches represented. They began with 70 children from those churches. After a parade through the community, they ended with nearly 190 children. The Lands share, “We danced, we laughed, we snacked, we talked about Jesus with the children.” Several children accepted Jesus into their hearts after hearing the gospel. Pray for these children today. Pray that each child who made a salvation decision continues to grow in his or her faith. Pray that the still unreached children in Africa will hear the gospel.

New Church in Brazil
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Please pray for a new church plant in Brazil. The Orantes family works with King’s Castle in Brazil. Their team is beginning work on a new church plant in Nova Iguaçu. Not only will this new church reach the people of Nova Iguaçu, but it will also allow newly trained church leaders to gain practical ministry experience. The Orantes family also serves with Impact School of Ministry, and they say, “We have seen the need and feel the responsibility to position the leaders around us who have gone through the Impact School of Ministry to exercise their calling in ministry.” They ask for prayer “that the Lord will continue to establish His Church, and work powerfully through the whole team bringing about salvation and transformation, for God's glory.” Pray with us today: - Pray over the early stages of this new church plant. - Pray that the future congregation experiences Jesus in a powerful way. - Pray for the new church leaders as they experience ministry.

Building Tabernacles in Central Africa
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Join us as we pray for global workers David and Carol Schmidt in central Africa. The Schmidts’ ministry largely focuses on tabernacle building, giving communities a church structure as a center for their ministry. The Schmidts share that as of just this year, there are already seven new tabernacles in villages across their area. The Schmidts’ team worked on another exciting building project in February: a new Bible school that will house 24 students. This school will also have running water, alleviating the need for students to carry their own water. The Schmidts ask for prayer over their safety as they travel to build tabernacles and minister in theological schools. Please also pray that more workers would answer God’s call to Africa.

Slovakia: No Longer Beggin
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The Phillips, global workers in Europe, recently had opportunity to participate in a feeding program in Roma villages. Pastors tell them that as a result of these programs, the children in their communities are no longer begging for scraps of food. The Phillips write, “These kids are walking away with full bellies; however, our goal is to see these children no longer needing to be fed. We are praying and believing in God for a transformed community.” Roma churches are rapidly growing. Pray for them as dozens of people are coming to know Christ and being baptized. Pray also for other initiatives including a mothers’ club, girls’ empowerment groups, tutoring, and small discipleship groups that are launching in those communities this spring. Pray that God would use these initiatives to radically change the lives in Roma communities.

Germany: New Neighbors
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Rebekah Reed, a global worker in Germany, just moved into an apartment in a rural Bavarian farm village. On the street, Rebekah heard a woman calling after her, yelling, “Hello, are you the new neighbor?” Reed discovered that this woman is a friendly German named Mallory. While having tea together, Rebekah learned that Mallory works in the Army Behavioral Clinic. There, she counsels soldiers in substance abuse recovery. Rebekah writes, “She is interested in learning more about our church because of the people she works with. ‘They are so lost,’ she told me. ‘They need something.’ I nodded, amazed that even someone who does not profess to follow Jesus can see the spiritual need in this community.” Pray for Mallory and others in this farm village who do not follow Jesus. Pray that God would enable global workers to lead these people to Him.

Ecuador: Protection in Violence
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According to global workers, “2023 was the most violent year in Ecuador’s history with over 7,500 homicides.” This ranks Ecuador as the 11th most violent country alongside Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Despite the darkness that overwhelms this nation, the Lord is moving. Last year, global workers in Ecuador saw 2,131 people decide to follow Christ and baptized 1,670. Recently, the violence has escalated, causing the nation’s president to declare a 60-day state of emergency. This includes curfews, increased military presence, and “an all-out war on the drug cartels.” Pray that God continues to protect global workers in Ecuador and that His light shines in the darkness. Pray also that many come to know Christ and seek baptism in His name.

Mexico: God is Moving
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Global workers Peter and Delia Breit received a phone call asking them to share Jesus with a local family. In response, they arrived at a brand-new church building where more than 20 people were in attendance, awaiting what the Breits would share. The Breits learned that a brother in the family immigrated to the United States and joined an evangelical church. After accepting Christ as his Savior, he began sending money to his siblings in Mexico. He instructed them to use the money to build a church where they could learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. As Peter and Delia spoke in that church, many of the brother’s family members decided to follow Christ. As global workers visit the village weekly to disciple these new believers, pray that God would continue to open new doors for unbelievers in Mexico to hear the good news.

Africa's Hope: Dorms and Study Materials
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Join us as we pray for the great work being done through Africa's Hope. Africa's Hope is helping fund additional dorm buildings for a school located in Northern Cameroon. Africa's Hope is also helping purchase a print-on-demand system. This system, set up by the AGWM missionary team there, will allow the Church to print and distribute Africa's Hope's materials throughout Cameroon and countries across Central Africa. Please pray about the need for more missionary educators to serve in Africa. Pray also that God's hand remains on the work already taking place across the continent of Africa, through Africa's Hope.

Belize: Ministry Opportunities
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Join us in prayer for the abundant ministry taking place in Belize. Global workers Cody and Taylor Griggs have been asked to speak at a dozen churches, share at youth camps and conventions, attend the launch of Belize’s national Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) league, and lead worship during the Belizean national women’s conference. We celebrate how God is working within the body of believers in Belize. In addition to national and district events, Cody teaches a hermeneutics class at the AG Bible Institute. The Griggs family is also involved in local outreaches in Belize City. Please pray for the local Christmas outreaches this month in Belize City and San Pedro Island. Pray that God will continue to open doors for global workers to minister across Belize.

Philippines: Blessing the Needy
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Join us in prayer for the ministry taking place in the Philippines through global workers, Ed and Sherry Benish. Over the past year, the Benishs have partnered with ministries and volunteer friends to minister to more than 7,000 Filipinos in need. Along with their outreaches, the couple is also involved at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS). Ed teaches and preaches in chapels. Both co-organized an inter-denominational and inter-church prayer breakfast at APTS. The mayor of Bangui City and the national director of the Philippines Council of Evangelical Churches attended this event. Please continue to pray for Filipinos who do not know the Lord and the ministers being equipped and trained through APTS.

Cameroon: Tabernacles and Water Filters
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Join us in prayer for the work being done in Cameroon. Global workers David and Carol Schmidt have built five tabernacles in the western region of Cameroon. This was made possible through donations and support. These tabernacles serve as structures for church gatherings in these neighborhoods. The Schmidts were also able to distribute 500 water filters to a local community and share the gospel. In response to the distribution, one local family shares, “We used to trek about 4km to get drinking water, stand in a long line before being served, and then look for means to transport the water. This was not only time-consuming, but also very tiring. Since receiving the filters, we have filtered water from our well and have not had any stomach complaints for nearly two months. What a wonderful gift!” Please pray that God will continue to open doors for unbelievers to hear the gospel and develop a relationship with Christ.

Unbelievers in Conflict
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As the war continues in Israel and Gaza, please pray for individuals and families affected by this crisis. Those in Israel and the surrounding areas are consistently monitoring the developments of this conflict. We are praying this does not escalate into a regional crisis that encompasses other nations and results in the loss of more lives. One global worker writes, “Our hearts break that every Jew, Hamas, and Muslim who has died without knowing Jesus now faces eternal death. We also mourn the loss of Messianic Jews and Arab Christians. We know that true and lasting peace only comes when we follow the Prince of Peace and can love our enemy and seek reconciliation, not retaliation.” This global worker also shared that he was reminded of the kindness of the Lord toward those who don’t seek Him. Please join us in prayer for those who do not know the Lord and for the families mourning the loss of loved ones. Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower believers and that unbelievers will be drawn to the hope found only in Christ. Isaiah 65:1-3, “I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation that was not called by my name. I spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices; a people who provoke me to my face continually.”

Israeli/Palestinian War
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This past weekend, the terrorist group Hamas launched an attack against Israel and began a war that continues to escalate. Gaza is completely under siege and more than 1,800 lives have been lost between the two sides, with thousands more injured. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine. We are heartbroken to witness pain, suffering, and trauma. We earnestly pray for peace and righteousness to prevail. May God comfort every person who mourns and strengthen every family who grieves, and extend peace to surpass human understanding that navigates the difficulties and uncertainties that lie ahead. We believe that God sees, hears, and cares deeply for the brokenhearted, wounded, and afflicted. “Lord, Jesus, may your love, grace, and compassion prevail in a broken world and may light shine in the face of darkness that brings healing to the nations.” Lamentations 3:55-57, “I called on your name, Lord, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: ‘Do not close your ears to my cry for relief.’ You came near when I called you and you said, ‘Do not fear.’” Psalm 108:4-6, “For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Save us and help us with your right hand, that those you love may be delivered.”

Mozambique: First Month on the field
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Join us in prayer for Maputo, Mozambique. Global workers Kyle and Porscha Coffman began their ministry in Maputo, Mozambique in September and are already witnessing the Lord move. The Coffmans were given the opportunity to engage in campus outreach and interact and pray for students, inviting them to worship gatherings. Through these outreaches, they were able to help one student get involved in a discipleship group so she could continue to grow in her relationship with the Lord. The Coffmans also began their Base Camp program, continuing their campus ministry training in Africa. As they engage in campus ministry, please pray for rest, favor in language acquisition, and a fruitful time on campus.

Japan: Acts 2 Journey
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Join us in prayer for the launch of the Acts 2 Journey for the pastors and churches in Japan. Global worker Dan Lumadue will lead, teach, and facilitate four retreats that will take pastors and churches through the Acts 2 Journey. The first of these retreats is taking place this weekend. Dan writes, “With 99.7% of the population still walking in spiritual darkness, this makes Japan the second largest ‘never-reached people group’ in the world.” Please pray that churches are renewed and empowered through the Acts 2 Journey. Pray that these teachings will help churches be a light to a spiritually dark country. Pray for no technological difficulties for those joining on Zoom and for the Holy Spirit to move throughout the teaching sessions.

Prayer for More Workers
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Join us in prayer for AGWM global workers preparing to reach the secular peoples of Europe. As Jesus commanded us to pray for more workers, Shawn and Deborah Galyen find joy in seeing the Lord continuously answer this prayer. Last June, the Galyens taught the course “Reaching Secular People” to 21 new European workers. Not only are global workers being sent from the United States, but the Galyens also write, “Locally, we continue to see new church plant teams being sent out from Granada. We have released new team leaders to three cities in Spain and are receiving more workers this year who will spend time serving with us and will then launch into the harvest.” Praise the Lord for more workers being prepared and sent to share the gospel message. Please pray that the Lord will continue to prepare and equip them for what He has called them to do.

Peru: Community Building
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Join us in prayer for the jungle community of Itahuanía. The Harpers are AGWM Global Workers in the country of Peru. The couple moved to Itahuanía a year ago to put up columns and a roof as a church structure. Then, God brought people to the church! The jungle community of Itahuanía had little to nothing when the Harpers arrived, but the community is now growing around the church. The Harpers recently finished a children’s program where they shared the gospel with the children in their community. Please pray for the lost in Itahuanía. Pray that they would come to know Christ as the community continues to grow around the church.

Thailand: Sharing Testimonies
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Join us in prayer for missionary families who are impacted by disabilities. The Pasche family serves as global workers in Thailand. They recently arrived back in Thailand and were delighted to introduce their youngest child, Judah, to the country they love. Judah has spina bifida. Through Judah’s diagnosis, the Pasche family was able to share God’s faithfulness with the doctor. The family also shared Judah’s story and what God has done in their lives with several churches, including one of the largest churches in Thailand. As the Lord uses Judah’s story and continues demonstrating His faithfulness, please pray for the challenge of putting together a good care team for Judah in Thailand. Pray also for other missionary families impacted by disabilities. Pray that God will continue directing their steps and providing wisdom for the unique challenges they may face.

Africa's Hope: Dissertations and Discipleship
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Join us in prayer for missionaries completing itineration and preparing for their transition to the field. The Reph family is preparing to leave for Burundi to serve as AGWM global workers. Preparing to depart for the field is filled with many emotions and logistics. As the Rephs pack, sell items, and prepare to sell their home, their kids also process the grief that comes with these goodbyes. The family shares their incredible excitement because they have purchased their plane tickets, but also expresses their need for prayer through this transition. Please pray for families completing itineration while preparing to move their lives to the other side of the world. Pray specifically for their children (MKs) who are leaving the life they know to do ministry alongside their parents in a new place. Pray also for the ministry God is preparing for the Rephs as they arrive in Burundi. We know the Lord is already preparing people and places for their arrival!

A Prayer for a Lost City
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Join us in prayer for the lost people of Japan. Pray that they would receive the gospel in a city where many do not know Jesus. In Japan, “only one-half of 1% are followers of Jesus.” Dan and Paula Lumadue are missionaries to the second largest “never reached people groups” in the world. The city of Tokyo alone is populated with 36 million people! Believing for individuals to come to know Christ in Tokyo, Japan is truly believing for the miraculous to take place. At their Christmas outreach service, the Lumadues rejoiced as five people decided to dedicate their lives to following Jesus! God is moving in the lives of the Japanese as Dan and Paula faithfully serve as lead pastors of Yokota Church in Tokyo. Join us in prayer for Yokota Church, the city of Tokyo, and for Japanese people to come to know Christ.

Argentina: Evangelism in the Capital
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Join us in prayer for the people of Northwest Argentina. In the capital city of San Miguel de Tucumán, only around 1% of the population are evangelical Christians. AGWM cross-cultural workers Chris and Heather Schneider had the opportunity to help in a two-day evangelistic campaign in this city of 2 million people. Along with Pastor Alberto Fernando and missionary Luis Padilla, this campaign resulted in over 100 people giving their life to Christ! As more and more people come to know Christ in the country of Argentina, pray for a property that the Schneiders could purchase to build a church building. Please pray for the lost in this country and for God’s provision as He continues to move in the hearts of these people.

Malawi: Preparing To Go Back
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Join us in prayer for missionaries on itineration. Missionaries have the privilege of partnering with individuals and churches around the world to live-out what they are called to do. AGWM missionaries Weston and Allison Stover are in their last months of itineration while also preparing for the ministry they will be jumping back into in Malawi. As they raise the last of their support, the Stovers prepare to minister in Malawi through sustainable agriculture and campus ministry! The couple shares, “An August arrival would give just enough time to train the farm team and prepare the land for Malawi’s staple crop – maize – which will be planted in November.” Please pray for missionaries who are excited to share about their ministry on itineration, but also longing to be back on the field to continue the work they are called to. Pray for the missionary kids as they transition to and from the mission field. Finally, please pray for financial provision for missionaries on itineration and those finishing their Missionary Training and Renewal this week.

Indigenous Believers Facing Persecution
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Pray for new believers among indigenous communities as they navigate the cultural challenges that come with accepting Jesus. Many face great punishment for forsaking their tribes’ indigenous beliefs in favor of faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray that God will be especially close to them as they suffer imprisonment, abuse and other forms of persecution.

God at Work in the Local Church
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Pray with us for the Holy Spirit to continue using local churches to minister and testify to their communities. An example of this occurred in a poor village of southwest China, where a pastor believed God for a miracle after finding the leaves of their mulberry trees infested with caterpillars. Silkworm cocoons served as a vital supplemental income for village residents, but the caterpillars had begun eating away at the mulberry leaves—the silkworms’ food. The situation looked hopeless until the people gathered in their church building and cried out to God. Suddenly, crows descended and ate away at the caterpillars until they were all gone. Residents then returned to the church to thank and praise the Lord, an AGWM team member reports. May God continue to move mightily through His people and their prayers!

Diverse Believers Unite to Plant Churches
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Please pray for the church planting teams throughout Nepal as each believer carries both a willingness to serve and obedience to God’s call. One church planting team is made up of a Romanian and Bolivian family, both working together to reach Tibetan Buddhists. Join us in prayer that God’s hand of protection would continue to be over this team as they participate in furthering God’s mission. May God continue to unify those of different backgrounds to advance His gospel throughout the unreached people groups of southern Asia.

Persecution at Home: A Prayer for Arab Families
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Please pray for families across the Arab world to have an openness to the gospel message and unity in Christ. “Though the Arab World is traditionally hostile towards Christianity, we are seeing breakthroughs,” Eurasia Community shares. “Often times one family member receives Jesus but follows Him secretly out of fear of persecution.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to soften the hearts of unbelieving spouses and family members. May Arab families find truth in the light of God’s Word as they build their foundation on Him.

Ethnic Minorities Bound by Spiritual Darkness
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Join us in prayer for ethnic minority groups throughout the western regions of Northern Asia. “Most of these groups are difficult to access and bound by intense spiritual darkness,” says AGWM’s Northern Asia region. Pray that spirit-empowered workers from all nations will be called to live among these peoples and share a gospel witness. Also pray that they are no longer bound by spiritual darkness but instead filled with the light and life found in Christ Jesus.

East and Central Africa: A Prayer for God's Protection
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Pray for God’s protection over Christians throughout Central and East Africa as they continue to face conflict and daily threats. “Some of the locations people work in are hostile to the Gospel,” AGWM personnel shares. “Pray for the health and safety of our missionaries and locals working alongside the Tanzania Assemblies of God. Pray that God would cover them in His peace and protection.” Also, pray for God to cover global workers and believers as they stand on the truth of God’s Word.

A Prayer for the Suffering Church
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Join us in prayer for persecuted believers to be strengthened across the world as they encounter violence, abuse, and even death. “Persecution and suffering among global Pentecostal churches has increased,” the Pentecostal Commission on Religious Liberty (PCRL) shares. “There have been more arrests, trials, and confiscations of places of worship. Intercession and spiritual support are needed now more than perhaps ever before. Please do not forget that the situation for Pentecostal Christians in the world is still very, very challenging.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to encourage the hearts of those suffering and confirm God’s truth that they are not alone.

Global Workers Forfeit Culture for Jesus’ Sake
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Join us in asking the Lord to strengthen new missionaries who are entering and serving in cultures different than their own. AGWM’s Europe region says, “Jesus took on a specific culture and language, was deeply involved in the community, and proclaimed and embodied the gospel in a contextualized way people could understand.” May the Holy Spirit bring this same ability to each missionary, helping them to lay down ethnocentric behaviors and to express the message of Jesus in ways that can be understood.

Prayer for Young Believers
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The next WorldView tells the stories of a Live Dead team that is seeing real results in a difficult place. Recently, one young believer reached by the team decided to walk away from his faith. Let’s pray that God would miraculously provide opportunity for him to be reunited with the Lord. “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:4-5, ESV). Please pray that the Live Dead team would be encouraged and find rest. Let us also intercede for young believers around the world who are tempted to walk away from the faith. Lord, keep them close to You!

Theological Training Strengthens LAC Pastors
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Join us in prayer for Latin American Caribbean pastors as they further their training in theological education. The International Bible School Leaders Summit (held every other year) aids in this by offering sessions, workshops, services and other activities to equip leaders, directors and professors. AGWM personnel share the testimony of one attendee: “Despite the limitations due to the lack of electricity and internet, it was very gratifying, exciting and motivating. Each point added to enrich, strengthen and nurture our ministry.” Please pray that the Holy Spirit continues to move over the hundreds who were in attendance, both in-person and online.

The Digital Church Continues to Multiply
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Join us in prayer that God would equip media missionaries to effectively minister the gospel message to the lost peoples of the world. “A new generation of church leaders is rising that is more tech-savvy,” writes Asia Pacific Media. “It’s an extraordinary time as we see God opening up the opportunity to multiply the Digital Church by training its leaders.” Ask for the Lord to go before these leaders, giving them wisdom and discernment, and providing them with the tools and resources necessary to reach others.

Bearing Burdens: A Prayer for Estonians
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Please pray for Estonians, suffering at the hands of mental health issues, past traumas, and abuse. "1 in 6 Estonians are sexually abused before the age of 15," AGWM personnel reports. "And 90% of the population does not believe in a God or spiritual being." Pray for God to prepare the hearts of Estonians to lay their heavy burdens down and receive His gentle love. Also, pray for God to give wisdom and discernment to ministers of the gospel as they address these sensitive issues and tend to the needs of the people.

Europe Prayer Call
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Join us in prayer for current needs across the continent of Europe. Throughout 2023, the Europe region has led a prayer initiative for the needs of the region and connect with partners in the USA in real time. This month, the Europe region celebrates 21 newly commissioned global workers! Additionally, 14 MKs recently completed Missionary Training before their upcoming transition to the field! While we praise the Lord for more workers and answered prayers, this month’s prayer focus will be on General Council and the Students for Christ Connect Conference. Please pray for the university students across Europe as they encounter the Lord’s presence at this conference. Pray also for the election of a new AGWM Executive Director and for the Europe exhibit taking place at General Council. If you would like to be a part of the monthly Zoom call the Europe region hosts to further this prayer initiative, follow the link to learn how you can join!

Bible Schools Gain Access to Educational Resources
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Please ask the Lord to continue providing Bible schools with access to educational resources through the distribution of print-on-demand systems. “Print-on-demand systems offer a more sustainable option for delivering curriculum and other materials to schools in Africa,” writes Africa’s Hope (an AGWM training ministry equipping African churches with Spirit-empowered, biblically trained leaders). “Once a school can operate a POD system, it can serve as a distribution center for other schools, programs and churches in their country and surrounding countries.” May Jesus multiply the knowledge of His Word and encourage every African seeking to study and grow.

Syrian Christians Witnessing in Harsh Conditions
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Pray God will continue to use Christians who have decided to stay in Syria to serve as witnesses for Christ. Many face persecution amid the dangerous and harsh conditions that come with religious intolerance. Join us in prayer that the Holy Spirit will enable them to be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in Him their labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Ukraine Crisis Puts Bible in High Demand
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Pray for the Lord to empower missionaries working with Ukrainians to stay strong. May He give them wisdom amid the crisis that is taking place, and open doors of opportunity to love, minister and serve others. Many of them are working diligently, with little to no rest. Ask for the Holy Spirit to go with and before each missionary, reassuring them of His comfort and protection through the truth of His Word.

A Prayer for Cambodian Believers
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Please pray for believers throughout Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia where over 90% of the population is Buddhist. New requirements have been implemented requiring 30 persons for the registrations of religious bodies. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the hearts and minds of Cambodian believers, giving them wisdom as they navigate this present challenge. Also, pray for religious freedom to be preserved and for God’s limitless power to be at work as He creates safe spaces for Cambodian believers to gather. May He use each believer to reflect the love of Jesus to the lost.

A Prayer for Missionaries to Estonia
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Please join us in prayer for our missionary team in Estonia, that they will have energy, peace, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they minister to others. Newly appointed AGWM missionary associate to Estonia John Crace shares, "Estonia is a world leader in suicide and depression rates. God's love and compassion have carried me through, and I am excited to share with Estonians how He can do the same for them." John will serve on a church planting team and help establish Chi Alpha on a university campus in Tallinn, Estonia. Pray that John’s personal story brings freedom and life to thousands of Estonians throughout the capital city. Also, pray for God’s covering over the heart and mind of each team member, and over John as he prepares to enter the field.

For the Gospel's Sake: A Prayer for Christians in Eritrea
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Join us in prayer for Christians living in Eritrea, a country on the Northeast Coast of Africa where believers suffer greatly for their faith. “Hundreds have been arrested and imprisoned for years simply because of their commitment to Christ,” AGWM Africa shares. “Pray for their release, and for a change in the government’s view of these committed followers of Jesus.” Pray for believers to be strengthened as they share their faith and boldly proclaim the gospel message. May the Holy Spirit use them to reach the 40% that hold fast to Islamic beliefs.

Hope Found in an Unexpected Place
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Pray for Jesus to use unexpected places to reveal Himself to the heart of the practicing Buddhist. AGWM missionary to Thailand Sara Whitehurst shares a powerful testimony of hope found at the funeral of a young Christian celebrity. Many in attendance—both online and in person—declared this sad truth: “Christians know exactly where they go when they die. We don’t.” “God is using this young woman, still,” Sara writes. “Her death isn’t the end of her impact on earth. In Christ our lives and our deaths can still point others to Him.” Ask for God to use the uncertainties that many Buddhists face to bring them to the certainty of the gospel.

Sri Lankans Lack Supplies During Crisis
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Join us in prayer that the Lord will continue to supply resources to Sri Lankans and global workers amid the economic crisis taking place. AGWM personnel reports of the difficulty that has come through the increased shortage in fuel and food items. Many locals are upset, and a large number of protests have taken place as a result. Pray for the Holy Spirit to intercede and plant peace in the hearts and minds of locals and officials. May He also offer provision to struggling Sri Lankans.

Incarcerated Youth Study God’s Word
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Pray for God to minister to Thailand’s youth as many face the aftermath of criminal activity. AGWM missionaries to Thailand Brandon and Rachel Powell write, “One of the many ministry opportunities we think about on a daily basis is the network of youth prisons in our city, where boys and girls age 10-20 are incarcerated for small to more serious crimes.” Yet Jesus continues to be at work in the lives of the youth as over 160 students have signed up with the Powells to study the Bible weekly. Pray that God continues to speak to these teens, deepening their relationship with Him and His Word.

Compassion Ministries Reach Out to Buddhist Communities
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Join us in prayer that God would grant compassion ministries both access and favor as they aim to serve others. In several Buddhist communities, this form of outreach is seen as an interruption of karma when the needs of others are helped through these ministries. Please pray for peace between these ministries and the Buddhist communities as tensions arise between the two. May the Holy Spirit continue to intercede and meet the needs of those who are hurting, both physically and spiritually.

Peru: Community Building
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Join us in prayer for the jungle community of Itahuanía. The Harpers are AGWM Global Workers in the country of Peru. The couple moved to Itahuanía a year ago to put up columns and a roof as a church structure. Then, God brought people to the church! The jungle community of Itahuanía had little to nothing when the Harpers arrived, but the community is now growing around the church. The Harpers recently finished a children’s program where they shared the gospel with the children in their community. Please pray for the lost in Itahuanía. Pray that they would come to know Christ as the community continues to grow around the church.

Buddhist Communities Need the Hope of Jesus
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Please pray for Buddhists who respond to the gospel message to birth church planting movements within their own communities. May God give His people a vision of a victorious church among these peoples. AGWM personnel reports, “Life, for the Buddhist, is a never-ending and demanding labor of trying to achieve enlightenment, gain spiritual favor, and escape the pain of this life. There is neither assurance of a loving God nor hope for a joy-filled eternity in his presence.” May the Holy Spirit use His followers to share the hope of Jesus, a joy-filled message of grace and not works.

Bolivia Hope Center: A Prayer for Children & Staff
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Join us in prayer for AGWM global workers serving on staff at the Bolivia Hope Center as they minister to the needs of over 40 children. For over a decade, AGWM global worker Brooke Davis was involved in children’s ministry in PenFlorida, until God opened the door for her to serve at Bolivia’s Hope Center. Brooke shares, “My love for Jesus and my love for the children of Bolivia motivate me to pursue this dream — to build a brighter future where they will know that ‘Though my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will take me in’ (Psalm 27:10). With over 40 children under our care, you can only imagine how much strength, grace, and patience is required of our team and staff at the Hope Center! Please pray for our staff that God would supply all of their needs and shine through them as Christ-like examples for our children.”

Families Together Again: Spring Festival
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Pray for families, Christian workers, and churches across China, especially during Spring Festival. This holiday is a special time when people travel to spend extended time together. With the latest round of loosening of pandemic-related travel restrictions, more people are traveling for this year’s holidays than in the last several years. Over 2 billion trips are expected to take place during this time. Please pray for health and safety as COVID continues to be an issue in rural and vulnerable populations. Please join with the church in Northern Asia to pray that Christ will be shared across family tables throughout this holiday.

Life in Christ: A Prayer for Muslim Women
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Join us in prayer for Christian women living in Chad, that God would use them to minister to the hearts of Muslim women. Due to conflict, thousands of Muslim women have fled to escape fighting in the Central African Republic—a landlocked country of Central Africa—finding refuge in neighboring areas. “A stream of 40,000 Muslims have fled to Chad,” shares Say Hello, a ministry directed by AGWM missionary Lynda Hausfeld aimed at reaching Muslim women. “Pray that these women will be intentional in reaching out and ministering to the Muslim women living as refugees and that Muslim women will be led to Christ.”