God Has a Plan!
I am Nicholas Royer, AGWM Missionary Associate with Network211, reaching people in nations around the world who are desperately seeking and searching to fill the void in their being.
I was born 19 ½ years AFTER my brother, with no siblings in between. I was always “the miracle” my parents had prayed for because a doctor at Dartmouth had told my mom that she would very likely never have another child and my brother was most likely a miracle, also.
My parents are pastors and are very missions oriented. When I was about 5 years old, a missionary to Congo came to our church and 5-year-old me wanted to become a missionary to Congo. I felt the same desire as missionary after missionary shared with our churches. However, it never occurred to me that I could actually go. I never felt adequate enough.
When I was a teenager, my parents and I went as missionary associates to Tonga, in the South Pacific. I was able to use my photography and video skills while there. When we returned to the US, I started college, planning to become an engineer. I consistently got A’s through college… except in the calculus class I absolutely couldn’t skip. I felt like God was closing the door on engineering, so I transitioned to history as my major. I wrote my thesis on the contributions of Protestant medical missionaries to China in the 1800’s. Even though I was in a very liberal university, I got an A on the thesis, graduating Magna Cum Laude with my BA in history.
During that time, however, I was struggling with a lot of stress and pressure to keep my grades up at the top of my class. I always had a huge deadline looming. I was actually on my way to school one day, literally crying, and asking God to help me survive. That is when the Holy Spirit got involved. I did not hear him audibly say anything to me, but I suddenly knew that I wanted to give my whole life to Him. I was already saved, but this time I told Him I would do whatever He wanted me to do, and go wherever He wanted me to go, no matter what the cost. I felt like God was calling me to media missions and then to Network211.
I am now a content producer for Network211, editing and producing videos to reach individuals around the world. There are 14,000 people a day, lost and searching the internet for help, finding our site. We then link them to a believer in their area and connect them with a church where they can be led further in knowing Jesus. My life is a testimony of the goodness of God and His amazing plans. He is able to lead us. He opens and closes doors to fulfill His plan for our lives.
If you want to become a partner, here is the link to my giving page: https://giving.ag.org/donate/600001-29A113
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