
Luis & Lourdes Padilla

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

Adrian & David

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OUR continual vision is to PLANT a network of healthy churches throughout the north, REACH the lost and the broken with the gospel & EQUIP national leaders with resources to continue the unfinished task of The Church.




We follow a tent crusade model of evangelism by holding nightly services in unreached areas. The new believers are discipled in the tent during the crusade and become the lay leaders for these new churches.



We reach the lost by impacting people’s spiritual needs through our own "Abba Father" television and radio program. We also touch people’s physical needs by providing meals, clothing, and other aids in poorest communities we are church planting in. Finally, we utilize all social media venues to communicate our presence in these communities. 



We equip national leaders by hosting spiritual leadership seminars at our established church plants. These training sessions are intended to assist existing local pastors with church health resources as well as empowering our own leaders. Furthermore, we train new leaders in practical hands-on ministry during the crusades. 

“The Church will last for eternity, it is worth giving your life for it and deserves your best”
— Rick Warren

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