
Christine Little

Serving in Africa

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Account 2942365

[email protected] Mobile: 260967872429


Christine is a Family Nurse practitioner utilizing her skills on the mission field in compassion ministries and evangelism.  She received her call to missions in nursing school and began serving on medical missions trips after graduation.  During her first missions trip in El Salvador the Lord confirmed her call and led her back to graduate school to obtain her masters as a Family Nurse Practitioner.  Upon completing her degree, the Lord guided her to Cleveland, Ohio to work at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cardiothoracic Surgery.  It was there that she developed perseverance, leadership skills and other character traits that she would later need on the mission field.  In 2005 during a missions trip in Durban, South Africa, Christine received her release to head for the field.   God opened the doors for her to head to Zambia in 2006 as a missionary associate for just over 2 years.  While on the field, she worked on her biblical studies to obtain her minister's license and would return to Zambia as a career missionary in 2011. 

Christine has had the wonderful opportunity to serve in Zambia in a wide range of roles.  She enjoys utilizing her skills as a nurse practitioner in clinics and homevisits.    She has been serving with Community Health Evangelism in Zambia (CHEZA), as a committee member and consulting trainer.  They are using CHE as a minstry tool to equip churches in disease prevention, health promotion and presenting Christ through sustainable initiatives. She has also been involved in Women's Outreach through a mobile clinic ministry. In partnership with local national churches, they are reaching out to women with cervical cancer screening and HIV testing coupled with evangelism outreach.  The Lord has has openned doors for Christine to teach and share the Word in local churches and bible school.

Christine's role continues to expand as she steps into new areas leadership.  She is serving along side national church partners to help to faciilitate church expansion through priority project initiatives and further bible school development.  She is also currently assisting in the development of a local farm for continental wide compassion ministries training.

Continue to pray for Christine, the team and our Zambia National church partners as they seek God and His direction for planting healthy churches within walking distance of every Zambian. 




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