
Natasha Rodriguez

Serving in Europe

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Account 2991610

[email protected] Mobile: 530-933-8679


Hi, my name is Natasha, I am thrilled that you are thinking of partnering with me on this amazing journey God has us on. When I was fifteen years old on my second missions trip I felt the call to missions. I simply couldn't imagine doing anything else, the only thing holding me back was me not knowing what steps to take. However, that same week God told me, as long as I hold His hand He would get me to where I needed to be, and He has kept that promise. 

Nine years later I am here with an Intercultural Studies degree from SAGU, years of ministry experience, including multiple missions’ trips to Jamaica, Haiti, the L.A. Dream Center, Puerto Rico, and Ecuador. These nine years have refined, stretched, taught, and led me to this moment. 

Three years ago, I was supposed to go to Romania for my senior internship, but due to the pandemic my trip was rerouted to Guayaquil, Ecuador. I had a wonderful experience there, but Romania never left my heart. So, now I am extremely excited to say I get to serve in Bucharest, Romania for two years. 

There I will get to work with women and children in a maternal home, providing safety, healing, and resources for moms. I will also work with the International church located there in the capital city, Bucharest. I look forward to meeting and ministering to the people the Lord has been preparing me for.

I would be honored if you would choose to partner with me to reach the beautiful people of Romania. Through this partnership we will reach single moms, children, and many others in need of Jesus.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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