
Michelle Harwell

Serving in Africa

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Account 2991511

[email protected] Work: 972-286-2743 Mobile: 972-454-0250



My Calling

My name is Michelle Harwell and I am a Missionary to Africa’s children. For as long as I can remember, Children’s Ministry has been my passion. I have dedicated over 25 years of my life to it as a Christian School Educator, a Children’s Pastor, and a Children’s Evangelist doing Kid’s Crusades in several states across the US. I have always loved Missions and have taught my children to share that same love. I’ve led by example to pray and give so OTHERS could go. My famous line is, “Some give by going and some go by giving.” I was content to be the giver with no intentions of going. However, in 2019, I was presented with an open door for children’s ministry in Africa. I had zero knowledge of “how” to be a missionary and even less of a desire to leave home. However, I gave God my “yes” as a child no matter where it would lead. So with the Peace of God and the encouragement of family and friends, I began the process to serve as a 2 year Missionary Associate to The Gambia, West Africa. 


The Ministry

When I said "Yes" to this calling, it was just to fill the role of Children's Pastor at the Urban Tribes church. However, I have been given opportunities to serve in several other ministries. Some of those include teaching Sunday School and Wednesday night Bible study for the children, running our print shop that supplies curriculum and evangelism materials to our various church plants, teaching at the Bible school, holding children’s services during eye clinic outreaches, and training children’s workers across the country.


 Long Term Goals

After serving for over a year, God confirmed to me that this is where He wants me long term. So, I extended my term and served three years. Upon completion in September of 2024, I was approved as a Career Missionary Associate. I will return as a Career Missionary serving as an associate under my Mentors, Scott and LaVonna Ennis. This next term, I will continue serving in any capacity necessary. However, my main goal is to continue training children’s workers as we work to establish a National Children’s Department.



You can help!

This is such a huge leap of faith for me. I know I can't do it alone. I need partners like you to help me reach the children of The Gambia. There are three ways you can partner with me.


Prayer Partners

I need committed prayer partners. I need God's anointing and wisdom to make every minute count there to reach these kids for Him.


 Financial Partners

I need committed financial partners. I can’t leave for the field until my budget is raised. I have a cash budget AND a monthly budget to raise. I’m working on building a team of partners. Maybe you can only do a one time gift or perhaps you have the ability to make a monthly commitment. Either way, you are planting seed in God's Soil that will reap a harvest of young souls!


Children's Missionaries

Maybe you have a call to Children's Ministry but couldn't imagine yourself serving in a foreign country. You are in good company! I didn't even have a passport when I started the process! However, when God opens a door and gives you peace to walk through it, you won't walk alone. At least 50% of Africa's population is under the age of 20. However, only about 10% of AGWM Missionaries on the continent are called to specifically serve Africa's children.



Will you pray about partnering with me in any of these areas?

Some GIVE by GOING and some GO by GIVING!


I would love to connect with you and answer any questions you might have! Together, we can make a difference in the lives of The Gambia's children!



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