Hi my name is Marilyn Owusu-Sekyere. I was born in Ghana, West Africa. When I was two years old, my family moved from Ghana to Staten Island, New York where I was raised in a strong Christian family whose life revolved around serving Jesus in the ministry of our local church, International Christian Center.
I first sensed God’s call to the nations while on a short-term missions trip when I was 18 years old, but I thought I had heard Him incorrectly, assuming that my role would be to send others and periodically serve on short-term trips. Nine trips later, I surrendered to His call and He set my feet upon a path to take His gospel to the people of West Africa.
After two years of service in the nation of Côte d’Ivoire, I am preparing to return to the continent of my birth to continue serving Him in the areas of youth ministry and children’s ministry.
The opportunity for growth in outreach to children and youth is significant. Fifty-one percent of the population of Côte d’Ivoire is 19 years of age or younger. There is liberty to teach the Scriptures in public schools, and children and youth are responsive to the gospel. Specific local church ministries focused on reaching young people consistently bear fruit. What is sometimes missing are a sufficient number of workers and solid training for those workers.
Like much of Africa, the need in Côte d’Ivoire is great. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
That’s why, in addition to my responsibilities in youth and children’s ministries, I’ve been asked to lead a team focused on mobilization of workers from within and without Côte d’Ivoire to serve the Lord in West Africa, and why I’ve also been asked to serve on a team with other missionaries mobilizing workers for the entire continent.
I am currently engaged to a wonderful man, Othniel Kouadio, who shares my vision to evangelize, disciple, and train young people in West Africa to take the love of Jesus to their family, friends, and neighbors, to the taxi driver and to the merchant in the marketplace, to the animist and to the Muslim, to the city dweller and to the villager.
Will you join us and be part of our team? You can join us by praying for us, providing financial support, or serving with us “on the ground.”
If you are interested in learning more about:
- what I do in Côte d’Ivoire;
- how you can pray for us more effectively;
- ways you can support the work financially;
- opportunities for you to serve in West Africa yourself; and/or,
- God’s heart for all peoples,
I would be honored to speak with you and/or connect with you in social channels. If you are a pastor, youth leader, children’s minister, or missions leader in your church, I would count it a great privilege to share my story with your people. Please feel free to get in touch with me, using the contact information on this page.
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