
Rebekah Lea & Tyler Nichols

Serving in Africa

Elias Dean & Erin Elizabeth

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Account 2981561

[email protected] Mobile: 573-453-0488


Tyler grew up in North Carolina and started serving in youth ministry at age sixteen. 

Rebekah grew up in a minister's home in Southern Missouri and began preaching at age twelve. 

They met in Bible college at Lumbee River Christian College and were married in 2019. In 2020, they were appointed as U. S. Missionary Associates to the Lumbee Native Americans in Shannon, North Carolina. After serving in North Caolina for two and a half years, they heard the call to serve overseas in Ivory Coast, West Africa.

The Nichols have been involved with youth ministry and discipleship for several years and are excited to continue in Ivory Coast. They serve under Brent and Shelley Teague and will be living in Daloa, Ivory Coast. They are partnering with the Ivorian Church to do evangelism, tabernacle construction, children's ministry, and discipleship. 

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