
Danny & Sherry Davis

Serving in Africa

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The Davis' are called to equip pastors and help plant disciple-making churches among rural and remote people in partnership with the Uganda Assembly of God.

Danny and Sherry Davis bring nearly three decades of pastoral and missionary experience to Team Uganda. They served as missionaries to the Republic of South Africa from 2000-2011. Since 2013 they have led a rural Assembly of God congregation in Missouri to revitalize and develop impactful rural ministry. Pirior to leaving for South Africa the Davis' pastored and planted churches in Ohio and Kentucky.

Danny has earned a Doctor of Education in Transformational Leadership (Concordia University - Portland). He is a published author and has served as Professor of Applied Theology at SUM Bible College & Theological Seminary, adjunct professor at Northwestern University, lecturer at South Africa Bible Institute, and Nazarene Theological College (South Africa).

Sherry has a diploma in residential planning and an Associate of Arts in Christian Education. She has led numerous remodeling and redecorating projects for churches. Her gift for art and eye for color helps her design spaces that honor God and create a welcoming atmosphere. Sherry has a passion for helping young women develop skills that will help them sustain their families and bless the church.

The Davis' have been married for 29 years and have two adult sons.

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