We do chlldren's ministry and train people to do children's ministry. We have been based in Quito Ecuador for the last twenty years. We are moving to Machala Ecuador to build new children's ministry teams. We will write and test a new kid's church curriculum in Machala. We plan to take this curriculum to the whole country to be used by the churches that would like to use it. We also would like to start Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) teams in Machala by the fall of 2020. As this grows, we will also take JBQ to the rest of Ecuador. We are in the United States right now, itinerating. We will be leaving soon to return to Ecuador. If you would like to support us, you may give at http://s1.ag.org/escoe We also have a Facebook page (Mike Suzette Escoe). You can follow us there. If wou would like for us to come to your church call me at 678-374-3989.
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