
Robb & Rhonda Hawks

Serving in International Ministries

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Robb and Rhonda have over 30 years experience working with children. Rhonda recently served as the children's pastor at a mega church in Orlando, Florida where she was responsible for a children's ministry of over 1000 kids while Robb was serving as the church's Executive Pastor. Their children's television series, "The World of Jonathan Singh" and "Winds of Adventure" have been viewed by over 100 million people on 5 continents. Robb is a story teller. He has written three novels, over 15 plays, and hundreds of articles, skits, and comics. Problem Solving A natural problem solver, he analyzes complex problems or concepts and breaks them down into simple solutions. His books on theology and church growth are creative and practical. Robb holds two patents currently being used in industry and was the principle designer for the $28 million church complex for Faith Assembly, Orlando. Many churches are searching for solutions to problems they are facing concerning church growth, facilities, media, and ministry development. Robb brings free consulting to all of the churches that are supporting his mission.

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