
Rick McCartney

Serving in Europe

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Account 2285443

[email protected] Phone: 574-968-7600 Mobile: 574-229-0136


Rick McCartney has been in full-time ministry for 42 years. With each new assignment he has heard the Lord specifically say, "Now is the time." This assignment in Wales is no different. 

At the time that the Lord poured out His Spirit at the Azuza Street Revival in Los Angeles California begining in 1906, He also began pouring out His Spirit in Wales in 1907. We know that outpouring as the Great Welsh Revival. That revival saw many come and surrender their lives to Christ, many receive supernatural healings and numerous people filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.  Since then, unfortunately, there has been a great falling away. Where there was once a great light, now there is great darkness all across Wales. Yes, the church buildings still exist, but they are now devoid of people and pastors to pastor the few who remain faithful. The Holy Spirit who was once in great demonstration of power has been relegated to a blurb in history books.

Rick McCartney's ministry in Wales will include planting new churches and revitalizing existing churches that have no pastor. He will also assist in training potential pastors and lay leaders as well as raising up teams to reach university students in Wales.

Now Is the time to see God pour His Spirit out fresh and new in Wales! 

Will you partner with him? He needs your continued prayers and finances to be able to effectively reach Wales. Click on the "Give Now" link at the bottom of this page. God bless you for partnering with Rick.

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