
Jay & Cheryl Taylor

Serving in Africa

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Meet the Taylors — Missionaries to East Africa


"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." (Habakkuk 5:1) 


The Future: Embracing Opportunities in Africa

The African continent is a place of tremendous opportunity for the Kingdom. Poverty, disease, civil war and terrorism have resulted in orphans, refugees and social strife.  Despite persecution and hardship, the church in Africa is growing faster than at any time in history. These believers are passionate about sharing the Gospel with the lost—many are even willing to take the Good News to Africa’s 860 unreached people groups. Since they often already know the language and understand the culture, these African believers can reach some that we could never reach—and do it more quickly! But they need to be equipped. So, the Taylors are drawing from their 25 years of experience in Christian higher education to respond to God’s call to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew. 28:19). They are going to East Africa to equip national church leaders with sound biblical teaching for growing healthy churches, as well as empower missionaries and church planters to advance God’s Kingdom across the African continent. Something good is about to happen!

The Taylors are a couple whom the Lord has uniquely prepared to help revolutionize ministerial training across the continent of Africa. 


The Taylor’s service at AGTS


For the past 25 years, the Taylors have held prominent leadership roles at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) in Springfield, Missouri. Jay has served as the Director of Spiritual Formation and Student Life, as well as the Chair of the Practical Theology Department. During this time, Jay has coached hundreds of men and women in spiritual transformation and vocational discernment, preparing them for a life of ongoing spiritual growth and meaningful ministry. Cheryl has served as the Chair of Doctoral Programs, and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program. Leading the way in creativity and innovation, the D.Min. program has grown by over 70% under Cheryl’s leadership. Now the largest program at the seminary and one of the largest ATS-accredited Doctor of Ministry programs in the nation, the D.Min. program equips influential leaders for even greater Kingdom effectiveness. 


The Taylor’s service at ATC (in Missions)


Concurrent with their work at AGTS, for the past 25 years the Taylors have also worked closely with Rev. Rick Seaward and Victory Family Center in Singapore. Rev. Randy Hurst, Dr. D.V. Hurst, and the Taylors played key roles helping Pastor Seaward in the early days of establishing Asia Theological Center (ATC)—a fully accredited, Pentecostal Bible College in Singapore offering undergraduate and masters degrees. Upon D.V. Hurst’s retirement in 2005, the Taylors were invited to take over running the school. Today, ATC has a growing, multi-cultural student body with over 200 students from over 30 countries. The Taylors led ATC in the development of branch campuses in Malaysia and New Zealand, and through five successful accreditation visits with two accrediting bodies. Through their ministry with ATC, the Taylors have trained hundreds of students from over 50 countries, preparing them for pastoral leadership, missions and church planting. Many of these students come from closed countries, and return equipped to reach those resistant to the Gospel, as well as unreached people groups who have never heard the Gospel.

The Lord has uniquely shaped the Taylors for such a time as this! Their involvement in Singapore helps them maintain a global perspective of the Church, keeping them relevant in the ever-changing dynamics of missions and church leadership internationally. Their service at the Seminary has kept them abreast of the latest developments and best practices in higher education. The Taylors now bring this unique background to a team that will help shape ministerial training across the African Continent.

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