
Heather Marten

Serving in Africa

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Heather is a pediatrician who is excited to reach out to people with the love of God as she helps with medical needs.  She felt called to missions at the age of twelve but didn't know what it would look like.  Through the years and the influence of different mentors, God has led her to medical missions in Zambia.  She completed her undergraduate work at Evangel University with her medical degree coming from the Medical College of Wisconsin.  During her pediatric residency in Cleveland, OH at Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, she gained knowledge in tropical medicine by participating in the International Health track and furthered that knowledge by completing a Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Liverpool School of Tropical Mecidine in 2018. She spent 2013 as a missionary associate and completed her minister's license.  She finished her first term as a fully-appointed missionary with the Assemblies of God in 2019 and is itinerating with plans to return to Zambia in 2020.  While in the U.S., she works part-time at Southwestern Medical Clinic in St. Joseph, Michigan.  It is another blessing God provided to maintain her medical skills in partnership with a Christian, missions-minded clinic.  

Last term Heather had many varied opportunities in Zambia.  She served as the medical director at local HIV clinic and a rural clinic and co-taught classes at the local Bible school.  She also ministered alongside a colleague with a cervical cancer screening mobile clinic and evangelism outreaches. She taught nutrition classes with Community Health Evangelism of Zambia (CHEZA), helping to spread information about Moringa trees. CHE is a Christ-centered development program for local communities and churches.  This program provides education in the areas of disease prevention, health promotion and presenting Christ. By emphasizing wholistic care, self-government, sustainability and utilizaiton of local resources, CHE empowers individuals to use their God-given gifts and talents to reach others for Him. Heather is excited to return to Zambia to continue these relationships. In being a medical resource on the continent, she hopes to encourage more families to serve in missions because there is someone closer to contact.  She looks forward to seeing what God has planned with starting a Base Camp for equiping missionaries interested in compassion ministries, children’s CHE opportunities, being the compassion ministries voice in Africa’s Children, and seeing medical missions go into more difficult to reach places.

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