
Marla Campbell

Serving in Europe

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This is not really my bio but rather an update since I'm still raising support.  

During January, I spoke for Missions conferences and joined missionaries and pastors on what is known as “The Regional Tour.” The tour gives opportunity for us to share the vision and mission to which God has called us. We specifically offer insight and awareness to Pastors, denominational leaders, church leaders. At the Missions conferences at specific churches, I connect individual church members too. 

 These current months require me to continue to raise monthly support in order to return to Europe and carry on. Our organization sets a budget, the missionary then raises that amount monthly, which gives opportunity for those of you who God calls on to partner and pray to be actively involved. Please pray that the remaining 20% of my monthly budget is raised by March. 

Europe, as one can see in the news but even more so on the ground there, is a pivotal, critical focus for spiritual activity. Many Muslims and refugees are coming to know Jesus as their Savior. The hearts of the Europeans are beginning to soften as new churches are planted. Women are being rescued from the heinous crime of human trafficking. Your prayers and support impact these types of progress. 

I’m blessed and privilege to continue the work in Europe via FaceTime and email as I am here raising support. Never thought I’d praise God for technology but it allows me to talk to and pray with our missionaries regularly. I’m also able to “network” to help with their expressed needs. Jesus knows — if I can’t do what’s needed, He’ll find someone who can. Again — please keep praying! 

Stay tuned! More to come! Many blessings to you, 



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