
Corey & Kaylee Breaux

Serving in Europe

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We are the Breaux family! Our heart is to reach the hardest to reach in the darkest of places.

What do we mean by hardest to reach? Those who have rejected Christ - the athiest, the agnostic,  the young adult that has never heard who Jesus is in any context outside of grandma's fairtales. The people who others say had their chance and we should just forget them. The pastors' kids who go to college and are convinced God isn't real or fall away because they've never had a reason to believe or defend their faith. The ones hurt by church. The ones who are lonely and want to end it all because nothing matters. We know that the world gives people many reasons to reject God, but God has called us to tear down those walls. 

What do we mean the darkness of places? Places referred  to as post-christian. Places that people no longer care about or like. Universities where secularism is religion and king. Young adult communities that feel isolated, alone and confused. 

“So why Canada?” you may ask. 

Culturally and missionally speaking, Canada more closely aligns with Europe than the USA. Less than 8% of the Canadian population today are Evangelical. Quebec one of the more populous provinces would have much starker numbers. In Montreal, an urban area of 4 million with 1.8 million immigrants, fewer than 1% consider Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. 48 out of 50 least-reached universities and colleges in the western hemisphere are in Canada. 35 of them are in Quebec. Canada presents a unique missional opportunity as well for reaching the world.  In 1988 Canada was the first country in the world to adopt a policy of multiculturalism. More than 40,000 immigrants come to Canada every single month. Sadly the effects of secularism are being felt throughout society. In Canada there is a waiting list to die. 1 in 30 deaths were from assisted suicide in 2021. This is a direct result of taking God out of society. 



We want to answer the call and go. We want to make a difference and see God restore His vision in the North. 


How? By supporting the local church and reaching out to the young adults and Universities so that many may hear and have the choice to choose Christ, the light in the darkest of places. 


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