
Jamie & Berly Bello

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2545572

[email protected] www.bellos.org Phone: N/A



Berly, Jamie and their two sons, Ethan (7) and Logan (6), are currently itinerating in the USA to prepare to return to the Dominican Republic in July 2017 for their 4th missionary term on the field.  

Our calling is to Change a Culture through a Generation.  We provide opportunities for teens and university students to find hope, purpose and empowerment to BE the difference --becoming true catalysts for transformation in their society.   

Our strategy of directing National Teen Ministries & Uconexion (Chi Alpha) University Ministries includes mentoring students & leaders, mobilizing students to action, modeling team leadership, and developing care strategies for community engagement, fighting for purity, and prevention of human trafficking.   

We would love for you to pray for us, to join us on the ground -- with a short term team, or as an Engage student, or for a Missionary Associate assignment or formal internship in University ministries.  Find us on FB or connect with us via email at [email protected] 

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