
Mike (Mikeuel) & Charlene Peterson

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2327187

[email protected] cstonline.org Phone: N/A


THANK YOU for investing in the mission ministry of Mike and Charlene Peterson. After three plus decades of mission ministry, the extending of the kingdom of God remains their focal point. Ministry with the Caribbean School of Theology (CST) continues to reach out to additional nations in the West Indies and Costal South America region. This includes Unreached People Groups (UPGs), church plants, equipping missionaries, Bible school instructors, and other leaders. 

Mike serves as the president of CST and Charlene as the financial advisor. Your PRAYERS and MONTHLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT help make possible the above ministry. Our partnership reflects a priceless kingdom value.

Your Donation to Mike (Mikeuel) & Charlene Peterson

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