
Paul & Angela Trementozzi

Serving in Europe

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Since 1993 when we first began ministry in Spain, the Lord has taken us on an incredible journey. In 2011, after our prior service in church planting and later as Area Directors for Southern Europe, we joined the AGWM Executive Committee as the Regional Director of Europe. During this tenure, God specifically tasked us to work alongside the Europe Leadership Team with the goal of  strengthening our global workers in Europe. Systems were strategically put in place to nurture individuals and families spiritually, physically and emotionally. Health and the implementation of ongoing education has strengthened our global workers in their ministry to the Secular people of Europe. This has brought healthy, fruitful, and long-lasting ministry across the continent. As we have seen our task completed, we will now return to Europe as global workers. 

Paul will continue to serve out this year as Chair of the Board for Continental Theological Seminary and Angela will continue to serve with the Europe Prayer Connection. As we both remain passionate for prayer, and member care/pastoral ministry, and as Paul’s MA degree is in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and International Peace, we have been asked to serve across the continent as Europe Regional Advisor, Ambassador and Advocate. It is our hope that in continuing to bring health to leaders and nurture healthy communities, that the church in Europe will be planted among non-believers. 

We invite you to email or find us on social media as to how you can partner with us on our present journey back to the continent of our calling. Thank you for your prayers over the people of Europe!


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