
Tim & Joyce Jarvis

Serving in Retired

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Tim and Joyce Jarvis have been A/G missionaries since 1995 and arrived in Africa for their first assignment to Tanzania in 1997.  Eleven years of their missionary career have been spent in Tanzania. They spent 7 years in the states from 2001 – 2007 working with Convoy of Hope International.  They  spent two years in the states beginning in 2012 when Joyce was diagnosed with cancer; after surgery and chemo they were cleared to return to the field and arrived in Tanzania in February 2014.  Joyce’s health issues made it necessary for them to return to the states and they began asking God for His direction. In June of 2015, they were asked to take over the ministry of ALS (Africa Library Services) which is part of Africa’s Hope Ministries of AGWM Africa. Tim currently serves as a team leader at Africa's Hope as Sales & Shipping Manager.

Tim’s responsibilities include overseeing the procurement, shipment and tracking of all training materials sent to our 360+ Bible School Libraries and training centers across Africa.  He travels to countries across Africa to help set up their Bible School libraries and helps organize curriculum distribution centers in Africa. He also oversees the installation of Print On Demand Systems (PODS). These printing systems enable curriculum to be printed in key locations across Africa.  This will do away with shipping expenses, reduce waiting time and be much more cost effective for the Bible Schools. 

Their goal is to further the Gospel in Africa through training men and women who have been called to reach the lost.  “SPIRIT EMPOWERED, BIBLICALLY TRAINIED LEADERS ARE AFRICA’S HOPE”.

  Joyce works with the Africa Regional office in the area of communications and Missionary Associate training. She helps MAs prepare for the field by taking them through an 8 week online Financial Partnership Development course.  

They have two daughters, Jenn and Sarah.  Jenn is married and lives with her husband in Canada and Sarah lives in Springfield, MO.  Jenn has a degree in Journalism and Sarah has a Master's in Counseling Psychology. 



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