
David & Rosemarie DiTrolio

Serving in Retired

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Account 2071553

[email protected] Phone: N/A


David and Rosemarie first arrived in Paraguay in 1983 for a two-year period to help plant churches.  Rose translated from English to Spanish every night (365 nights) for the English-speaking preachers in the services held to start churches.  During the day, Rose worked in the office that coordinated the simultaneous planting of 15 churches.  David is a very multifaceted, talented individual so he did all kinds of things from fixing cars, and equipment to videotaping the services, etc.  In 1985 their two-year term ended and they returned to the States to itinerate.  While itinerating the Lord confirmed to David that he and Rosemarie should return to Paraguay.

Upon returning to Paraguay, David continued with church planting and was on the Paraguayan Assemblies of God as a presbyter until 1994. Right before a missionary meeting in 1994 the Lord again spoke to David to get ready to take over the running of the Latin America ChildCare program (now called ChildHopeonline) in Paraguay. David is the General School Superintendent over five Paraguayan schools and Rosemarie is the Academic Director, plus facilitating the Sponsorship program between the students and their sponsors in the United States.  David and Rose also pastored for a while at Asuncion International Christian Church.

Since then they have continued to work with ChildHope. They continue to pray for more laborers to help with ChildHope and other ministries in Paraguay. Please contact them if you are interested in getting more information about sponsoring a child, or becoming a part of what God is doing in Paraguay!

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