Short-Term Trips
- Short-Term Trips 31 days or less
- Short-Term Minister Abroad 1-11 Months
- MAPS Worker 1-11 Months
Short Term
For the quickest time to the field, these opportunities are less than 31 days in length. You need an invitation from an AGWM missionary who will get you engaged in an existing ministry. Gain practical ministry experience while reaching the unreached.
Reach the Unreached
Assist Missionary
Ministry Experience
- Invitation from AGWM Missionary
- Be a believer and connect with your local church
- Agree with AGWM Policies regarding overseas trips
Invited Guests
For invited guests doing non-ministry related activities complete the assessment form at this link.
An application specialist will assist you personally with registration.
Ministers Abroad
The Short-Term Minister Abroad (STMA) program allows AG ministers to be involved in overseas ministry for up to six months.
Reach the Unreached
Assist Missionary
Ministry Experience
- Currently a certified, licensed, or ordained minister through the Assemblies of God
- Invited by an AGWM Missionary
Get Started
Contact [email protected] to get started. Please contact at least 6 weeks prior to your desired departure date.
Missions Abroad Placement Services (MAPS)
Discover and participate in what God is doing around the world as a MAPS worker for 1 to 11 months. You will connect your areas of ministry interest with needs on the field. University students can fulfill practicum and internship requirements for cross-cultural courses with an overseas assignment—generally 1 to 3 months in length.
- At least 18 years old
- U.S. citizen or able to work in the U.S.
- Born-again Christian and growing believer
- Consistent in your personal devotional life
- Faithful to your local church
Reach the Unreached
Assist Missionary
Ministry Experience
Begin your Go mission using a button below:
Don’t miss this moment. Invest in yourself, impact their eternity.
Missionary Associates (MAs) are placed in dynamic ministry contexts with experienced mentors. As an MA, you will join a sending agency that draws on over 100 years of experience to provide prayer, care, communication, and financial support for establishing the Church among all peoples everywhere.

Missionary Associate
This opportunity will allow you to engage fully in missions work, building relationships on the field, and assimilating into another culture. You will serve in an established ministry on the field using your skills and interests under the supervision of an experienced missionary. MAs serve for 1-2 years and your experiences can be foundational to a potential career in missions.
Reach the Unreached
Refine Your Skills
Gain Real Experience
The Application Process
Begin your journey by applying today.
Placement and Approvals
Your missionary mentor will confirm your assignment.
Our training will prepare you to be successful.
- 18 years or older
- U.S. citizens or valid resident alien permit
- Born again Christian and growing believer
- Consistent in your personal devotional life
- Faithful to your local church
- Limited personal debt
Begin your 1-2 year mission using the button below.
Create generational transformation!
Your call is just the beginning of a unique ministry focus. Our team will help find your place among opportunities in the hundreds of countries and territories we work. We will help you navigate the preparation, training, and development of your lifework of making Christ known to the nations.

Career Missionary
Dedicate your life to fulfilling the Great Commission overseas as a career missionary. Career missionaries have diverse ministries and represent a wide range of educational and ministry backgrounds, but they all express a clear lifetime commitment to missions.
Reach the Unreached
Unique Ministry Focus
Eternal Impact
The Application Process
This 6-9 month process ensures you are positioned for success in your assignment.
Candidate Orientation
A one week orientation where you prepare for the work.
Experience the confirmation of your call as you raise your budget.
Start Assignment
After everything is in place, the journey accelerates.
- A lifetime call to missions
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4
- Licensed, ordained, or eligible for AG ministerial credentials
- Limited personal debt
- Recommendation from candidate’s AG district/network missions department
- U.S. citizens or valid resident alien permit