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Africa Oasis 22 Spanish WorlView

Africa Oasis partners with the local church to see community transformation.

Burkina Faso 23 Spanish WorldView: “Un Corazón Misionero”

When the Assemblies of God placed missionaries in Burkina Faso as early as 1921, there was no Protestant church of any kind. The church has grown and is continuing to grow today.

Cuba 23 Spanish WorldView: “Rico en Alegría y Fe”

Cuba is very open and receptive but government leaders do not give the church freedom to meet in large groups.

Faith Promise 23 Spanish WorldView

The Assemblies of God was established to join fellowships together for the purpose of sending missionaries throughout the world. Faith promises allow missionaries to fulfill their divine call.

France 23 Spanish WorldView: “Estableciendo Iglesias Sanas”

France is the front line for secularism but churches are currently growing.

Hungary 24 Spanish WorldView: “Inspire-Hungría”

The Inspire Conference allows women to experience a movement of God in their city.

Indonesia 24 Spanish WorldView: “Llegar a los estudiantes del campus”

University students in Indonesia are open and searching for truth. Jaime and Tasha have a heart for raising up workers to minister to students.

Netherlands 23 Spanish WorldView: “Iglesia de Celebración”

Celebration Church Netherlands started out in 2006 as an international church. Celebration Church wants to see movements take root in the heart of Europe.

Centro de Medios de AGWM

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