France Follow-Up: Open Doors and New Opportunities


At a church worship concert, Christians run out of Bibles to hand out to curious young people stepping foot in a church for the first time.

On a weekend hiking trip, a pastor and a group of believers discuss deep questions of faith and share their testimonies with their un-churched friends.

In a Catholic cathedral, an Assemblies of God fellowship holds an evening service after the local priest invited them to use the building.

On a single Sunday morning, 163 people are baptized, signally their lifelong commitment to Christ.

These are just a few of the incredible stories coming out of France as the country experiences the beginning of change. For many years, spiritual stagnation and apathy has dominated the same landscape marked by historic markers of Christianity. “In France, historically, Christianity is nothing new, but since the revolution of 1789, France has become very staunch against it” said AGWM missionaries to France, Manuel, and Tina Prabhudas.

Recently, however, there has been a shift. Between the COVID pandemic, the Ukraine War, and other regional stresses, young people have begun to search for Christ in unprecedented ways. “I think the younger generation is searching for something higher, something that they haven't found in what's been offered to them so far,” said Tina Prabhudas.

After decades of prayer, fasting, and consistent labor in the difficult fields hardened by secularization, the French Assemblies of God (Assemblées de Dieu de France - ADD) is seeing new opportunities open. “[These opportunities are] rooted in decades of prayer for France,” said Tina Prabhudas. “They prayed for a long time for their own people, and we're seeing the fruit of their prayers.”

At this year’s General Council, a meeting of pastors and church leaders from across the country, the French Assemblies of God has set a goal to plant 1000 churches by 2033. They believe that church planting is the best way to meet the emerging spiritual hunger throughout the country.

In Vol. 9 No. 1 of WorldView (click here), AGWM communications reported on the incredible growth taking place in churches and congregations across France. But, with new growth comes new challenges.

One key challenge to this vision is training. “To plant 1000 churches, you need at least 1000 pastors, and you need 10,000 workers —10 workers who will go with each pastor,” said Manuel Prabhudas. These pastors and leaders will need training, encouragement, and administrative assistance to plant a church in France’s anti-religious environment.

Another key issue is coordination and administration. Historically, the French Assemblies of God has faced division brought on by France’s anti-religious government. Cultural and historical forces, as well as government regulation of churches, have strained the Church’s ability to work on a united front.

These challenges are not the end of the story, however. The ADD has been emboldened by the way God is working in the hearts and lives of the people. In response to these behind-the-scenes challenges of training, administration, and division, the leadership of the ADD has prayerfully and proactively sought out ways support their pastors and future church planting efforts.

Over the last decade, regional and national leaders have taken research trips to other countries to learn how to better organize the national church. “There is a willingness to learn from the outside, to ask ‘what are other people doing? What is the A.G. in Spain, or England, or the U.S. doing?’” said Tina Prabhudas.

This March 2-11, 2024, 27 delegates from the French Assemblies of God, led by newly elected General Superintendent, Yann Antoine, came to the U.S. to observe how the Assemblies of God U.S.A. operates and supports its church planters and home missionaries.

“The main purpose of the trip was for them to hear from and have access to our executive leaders for the movement in order to glean further insight to how a national church could be structured, and facilitate things like funding, leadership development, credentialing, functioning of departments, polity, and decision making, etc.” said Mark Good, AGWM missionary and West Europe Area director.

While here, the French delegation was hosted by AGWM Europe and the Assemblies of God Executive Committee, including Assemblies of God general superintendent, Doug Clay. “This trip paves the way for a spirit of partnership – it’s a chance for us to host them and honor them – for our AGWM missionaries on the ground in France, it can only enhance our sense of connection,” said Good.

Equipped with ideas and strategies from other World Assemblies of God fellowships, emboldened by a new sense of unity and connection, and empowered by the hope-giving work of the Holy Spirit in the church and in the hearts and minds of the French people, the ADD is looking to the future expectantly. They are bringing the regions of France together and uniting their leadership on every level.

At the same General Council, this March, where the ADD committed to establishing 1000 churches in 10 years, newly elected General Superintendent, Yann Antoine, was inaugurated as a leader. The passing of the baton from former supereminent, Renee DeLattre, to Antoine was a beautiful moment symbolizing the fellowship’s hope for the future. “There was a spirit of enthusiasm and a focus on the future,” said Manuel Prabhudas. “One of the older pastors said we have never had such a positive, enthusiastic, and wonderful transition - this was the highlight of the General Council.”

God is moving in France. He is moving in the hearts of minds of the youth, drawing them to Himself. In the churches and in the leadership, He is sorting out the details and inspiring a new generation of leaders to action.

“The time is now,” said Prabhudas. “I have 10 different regions, and 10 different pastors calling us. ‘Hey, can someone come and help us? We need their help right now.’ God is moving. Will you come and work with what God is doing?”

By Alex Goodrich


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