
Brittany Umphress

Serving in Africa

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Account 2A58332

[email protected] Mobile: 559-410-1476




My name is Brittany Umphress and I’m under appointment as a Missionary Associate to Côte d'Ivoire, Africa. My current assignment is in support of Missionary Aviation, I will be serving stateside with MMS Aviation in Coshocton, Ohio as an aircraft mechanic. 


Almost 25 years ago, a missionary group who had been serving in Africa came to our church and shared some incredible stories of what God was doing. After their presentation, I looked up to Heaven and, at the age of 8 years old, said, “God, I want to be a part of that. I want to be a part of what you are doing in Africa!” 


And while other kids grew up pretending to be doctors or firefighters, I grew up spending time in front of my bathroom mirror practicing what I would say as a missionary in front of the church. 


In 2015 God used a short term assignment in South Africa to birth a passion for evangelism. Being on the field, solidified what God had spoken to me at the age of 8 years old. It was like coming home! He then merged a personal and family love for aeronautics (I’m a pilot) to serve the people of Africa through Missionary Aviation! 


My long term goal is to move back to Africa where I will serve the people any way the Lord leads. Assemblies of God World Missions Africa House mission statement is “to see a healthy church within walking distance of every African.” 


This is hard to do when the roads are seasonal or it’s a remote village and takes 2-3 days to get there by car. Missionary aviation can not only save precious time but it is a safer mode of travel in many areas. 


I look forward to serving the people of Africa through Missionary Aviation. Together let’s make a difference! 

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