My name is Elisabeth Dreaden and I am a Missionary Associate through Assemblies of God World Missions (AGWM). I will serve in Latin America Caribbean (LAC). LAC is responsible for fulfilling the mission of the Assemblies of God in all of the Latin America Caribbean region. Their mission is to establish and raise up the church in LAC to further the kingdom of Heaven.
I will serve alongside missionaries Bill and Lena Shrader who are based in Lima, Peru. The Shraders have been serving in Peru for over 16 years. The ministry focuses on the following four areas:
Chi Alpha - Red Universitaria
Lena is the director for what we know as Chi Alpha in Peru. We have the goal to disciple university students so that they are then discipling others (Red U Peru).
Bill serves as the country coordinator for Peru with this Assemblies of God nonprofit that provides education, food, clean water, and discipleship to impoverished children (ChildHopeonline.org).
Church Planting & Revitalization
Bill and Lena pastor Centro de Crecimiento Familiar (CCF).
Pastoral Development
Bill teaches for Facultad, the Assemblies of God’s master’s level program for pastors and developing leaders in Peru.
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