
Abigale Boehm

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Hey there! My name is Abigale Boehm I am 19 years old and I grew up in South Alabama! I was called to the mission field at 12 years old during a youth camp service. I had no idea what that meant or where it would take me but I knew the Lord gave me a heart for not just people locally but also globally! A few months later a missionary spoke at a youth convention I was at and I knew right then and there I would serve as a missionary in Sucua, Ecuador! I went on to take missions trips to Ecuador, and I even did a 3 month internship there. After my internship I was invited back as a missionary associate, and thats where I am today!


I fell in love with sucua, and I learned and grew so much during my time there! Learning what the hope house does, and hearing the stories of the sweet girls there I really began to understand what the Lord was calling me to do. He wasn't just calling me to serve people globally but to serve people who had similar stories to my grandmother. Over the years I began to learn the real life statistics that women in Ecuador face. 3 out of every 10 would not get to attend highschool, 5 out of every 17 would miss out on school due to domestic work, and 70% face some kind of domestic abuse. Not only are these statistics real but they also disportionally effect the indgenious I am honored to get to serve. My family knows what it is like to be apart of these statistics, but we also know what its like to have people behind us praying and working hard for a change in our family. I think back to the short time I got to spend in Ecuador, and I got to first hand see the lives that were being changed and the generational bondages that were being broken through the Hope House. I see my grandmother in many of the sweet girls faces knowing the hard work they put in now will one day be the foundaiton their own kids get to build upon just as I was privilged to do. To get the chance to invest in these young girls lives is a blessing I can truly never be more thankful for. To speak life into them and see as they grow into strong women that are not only educated but are rooted in the fact that they know God is who defines them. Gods vision for my ministry is to see young womens lives changes through God's love and education in order for them to have confidence that God has called them by name for a specific purpose!

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