
Joe & Cyndi Martin

Serving in Africa

Matthew & Abigail

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Account 2954964

[email protected] Work: 330-539-0003 Mobile: 330-951-4375


Joe and Cyndi Martin are high school sweethearts who are also fully appointed missionaries with Assemblies of God World Missions.  They first went to Africa with their 2 children, Matthew and Abigail, in 2013. After serving a term in Ethiopia and then for 5 years as staff pastors in Girard, Ohio; they returned to Africa in 2021 and served in the nations of The Gambia and Côte d’Ivoire.  They are currently itinerating for their next term in the nation of Guinea where they will be part of the first ever AGWM missionary team to live in residence, planting churches among unreached people groups.


Ministry Updates:

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Ways to Join Us On This Journey: 


The work of the ministry is 24/7.  We are looking for partners who will commit to pray. There are 2 ways you can get our prayer requests.

1. Scroll down and you will see our prayer needs listed right here on our webpage.

2. Get realtime notifications on your smart device by downloading our AGMD missionary app.  Be sure to "Allow Notifications" if you smart device prompts you too. Once downloaded, seach Joe Martin and then click the blue follow button.  There are 5 navigation icons at the top of the page.  Prayer requests are displayed by clicking the last icon on the right. 

Click to Download from App Store



We are asking for people to join our financial support team. You can give online using our giving link below or by mail.  Checks can be made out to AGWM.  Be sure to add our account#2954964 to the memo line.  AGWM's mailing address is 1445 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802

Giving link: s1.ag.org/martins4africa

Online Commitment form: http://s1.ag.org/m4acommitment



Our family is so excited for the opportunity to Go and Make Disciples.  Is God calling you too? 




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