
Jason & Lindsey Goldsberry

Serving in Latin America Caribbean


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We (Jason and Lindsey) met at a revival meeting in Huntsville, TX in April 2012 and were married in July 2016.  Our daughter, Anna Jane, was born in July 2023 in Chile.  Jason is from rural East Texas and Lindsey was born and raised in Houston.
We are following God's call to continue to develop ministry towards university students in Chile along with developing Chilean National Leaders in the same capacity.  Our role is to equip leaders with the tools to reach university campuses across the nation.  Our hearts are for students to not just be reached, but to become a missionary and church planting force.  Students are the most open people group in Chile, so we believe that they are key to seeing a nation changed.  We will be spending our first term in Santiago, where 1/3 of the nation's population lives.
We completed two trimesters of school at CINCEL, the Spanish language learning school of the Assemblies of God in San Jose, Costa Rica.  Jason's mother passed onto eternity while we were overseas.  We were granted a period of personal leave in order to act as executor of the estate.  After we arrived in Chile, Anna was born and we serving alongside the national team in working on the flagship Universidad Catolica campus (#3 academic campus in all of Latin America) and in Providencia.  We have also been travelling to other regions to do Saturday workshops in churches and join students on their campuses.
Chile, which draws its name from the native language, means "end of the earth".  It was the last country in the western hemisphere to be conquered.  To this day, there is an undercurrent of government resistance.  In 2020,  a referendum was held which saw Chilean voters overwhelmingly approve 78% in favor of writing a new constitution by a convention.  This was the result of destructive protests in late 2019, in which over a million people took to the streets throughout Chile.
"What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." -  2 Timothy 2:2
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:8
Jason says,  “Many of us have attended universities or send our kids to colleges that have multiple student ministries available to students, but this is not the case on most university campuses in Chile.  Many campuses have no organizations that represent Jesus whatsoever.  We want to mobilize and equip young Chilean believers to reach their fellow classmates.  Maybe God is calling you to join us in our efforts to reach the "ends of the earth"

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