
Richard & Trish Kite

Serving in Asia Pacific

Olivia, Anna-Marie

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Account 2991438

[email protected]



We are preparing to move to Davao City, in the Philippines to work with missionaries Darrell and Sandy Blatchley. Their ministry, Family Circus Children's Ministries, is in the process of growing from reaching 1% of the children 16 and younger, which is currently 7,500 kids each week to an amazing 10%, which reflects 75,000 kids. They cannot do this alone and they have been praying for many years for the right team to reach this goal. We have just been accepted as Missionary Associates and we plan to serve with the Blatchleys for two years. We are very excited to except the invitation to come along side and help Pastor Darrell and Sandy fulfill this vision.


Family Circus Children’s Ministry was created by Assembly of God Church missionaries Darrell and Sandy Blatchley in 1993 to produce high impact and joyful methods of presenting the Gospel (#1) to children and (#2) to their families.  

The purpose of the Family Circus is to bring the life and joy of Jesus, combining both discipleship and evangelism, to reach lost children, while ministering to the needs of the child, both spiritual and physical.               http://familycircus.org/


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