[Updated August 8th, 2024]
It has been quite the year! I am nearing the end of my year-long furlough that has been needed to prepare for the 3 years ahead. As of today, I require 5% of my monthly budget before my departure date of October 2nd. Cash always ebbs and flows, and I always need more to stay on top of the many ministries the Lord calls me to. Any donation is huge.
My 2-year term in Thailand was incredibly fruitful and I am excited to continue my language learning and cultural adaptation in these coming years. The first year I will spend in Bangkok alongside my mentor Mark Rodli, where we will work alongside pastors to plant churches in surrounding provinces. However, that does not change what the Lord put on my heart: to live and minister in Southern Thailand among unreached people groups. Hundreds of thousands are left without a church to call their own in the southernmost provinces. Nobody is there to witness to them. Things must change.
God has put church health and multiplication on my heart, but until proficiency in the language comes, I will be exercising the ability to get the language down and understood. Moving to Southern Thailand will become a reality when my team leader, who is currently stateside, comes back to Thailand. I am excited to work with pastors, encouraging them, and empowering them and the communities of believers they shepherd, to walk boldly among their neighbors who are lost in darkness. I desire to see Thai believers tell the Good News in their communities, their province, and throughout Thailand!
Despite having to wait to move south, I will be making frequent trips down to network, build relationships, and resource pastors.
This work requires help. I need to be sent by people and churches like you! Will you send me? Click the link below to partner with me. Thank you!
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being SENT? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.'" Romans 10:14-15
Your Donation to Seth Buikema
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