We are Cunningham Tribe Missions!
Zechariah & Emily Cunningham | Missionary Associates to Tanna, Vanuatu
"Answering our call 'TO GO OUT', by sharing Jesus with forgotten peoples in unfamiliar places".
We met and married in the Pacific Islands and are now expecting a little boy this December. God has exposed to us the HUGE need there is for the hope of Jesus in the places of the world that only appear to be specks on a map (AKA Pacific Oceania).
Our Mission is to live among the people of Tanna, Vanuatu. We will be serving and learning under the guidance of Sam & Lisa Paris for a 2 Year Missionary Associate Term. Our ministry focuses include: Next Generation Ministry, Water Well Ministry, and Tribal Church Planting. Most of all, this 2 Year Term will be LEARNING, SERVING, AND BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS!!
Please pray for us as we itinerate to raise our budget for Tanna, Vanuatu. If you are feeling called by God to support us financially, please give monthly to our calling!
Zechariah & Emily Cunningham | Missionary Associates to Tanna, Vanuatu
Follow us on social media to keep up to date with all that is happening with Cunningham Tribe Missions!
Instagram: @ctribemissions
Facebook: Cunningham Tribe Missions
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