
Meredith Bagby

Serving in Africa

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Account 2972214

[email protected] Work: 972-825-4777 Mobile: 918-430-6554


I can't wait to make it to Durban! This is a dream come true for me. Our team will be planting a church in the heart of the city under an initiative called Urban Tribes.

Africa is the fastest urbanizing region in the world. In many parts of the continent people are migrating to big cities rather than rural villages. As different people groups come together, a new, modern Africa is emerging. Urban Tribes is focused on planting churches in the center of these gateway cities. We want to engage the influencers of the city- the educators, the government officials, the businessmen and artists. We believe that a church full of the Holy Spirit and full of people involved in every area of the community has the power to transform that city.

To learn more about Urban Tribes, click Resources below.


I am absolutely thrilled to bring others along on this journey. We are all missionaries in our own way, and together we can reach urban Africa. I can't go without you!


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