The Henry Family: Aaron, Sara, Connor (age 14), Abby (age 13) and Doss (age 8), have been serving as missionary associates with Assemblies of God World Missions in Africa since 2017.
The Henry’s serve with Urban Tribes. Urban Tribes is a church planting initiative designed to meet the needs of Africa’s growing cities. During their first term their main focus was building relationships and planting Northplace Church with the team they were a part of in Durban, South Africa. Their second term focused more on nurturing the church that was planted as well as caring for and nurturing fellow missionaries on the continent of Africa through Africa House Care.
In 2021, Sara was asked to join Africa House Care, an initiative focused on holistic missionary health. As a licensed professional counselor, Sara and her team of 4 therapists conducted 495 sessions, free of charge, for AGWM missionaries in 2022. She has also conducted webinars and sessions on marriage for multiple personnel. This has become a vital and effective ministry on the continent.
Aaron’s main focus during their second term consisted of developing and launching an intern program at the Urban Tribes church in Durban. People in these cities want to know who Jesus is, how to live their lives for Him, and how to bring others along with them. The goal for Urban Tribes is not just to start churches but to create DISCIPLE MAKING COMMUNITIES. The program initially started with a handful of interns in its first year and has now grown to a thriving program with 22 interns in its third year.
Africa is urbanizing faster than any other region in the world. By 2050, 60% of the population of the continent will live in an urban context. This presents many challenges, but also great opportunity for the Church in the cities of Africa. Durban is the third largest city in the country of South Africa, with a population close to 4 million. An interesting fact about Durban is that it holds the highest number of Indians outside of the country of India in the world. Hinduism, Islam and ancestral worship are very common in Durban. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, Islam is the fastest growing religion in South Africa. The need for disciple making communities is great. Durban is only one of many cities across the continent of Africa that need a thriving, healthy, multiplying, disciple making community. You can find out more about Urban Tribes at urbantribes.tv
We would love to connect with you about partnering with our family as we continue to spread the love of Jesus Christ in the cities of Africa!
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