
Ana & Mircea Dascalescu

Serving in Europe

Ramona, David, Reuben

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Mike and Ana grew up in Romania during the communist rule. Miraculously, in November 1981, they were able to escape on a ship that Mike was working on. Mike had to take Ana into the port without being seen by the military guards. God intervened by making them invisible as they walked through the guarded gate. After she jumped in the cold waters of the Black Sea, Mike hoisted Ana to the top of the ship by a rope, then led her to the bottom of ship, where she remained hidden for eight days, until they arrived to Greece.

After obtaining political asylum and permanent residency through the American Embassy, they arrived in the USA, in 1982, aand lived in the state of Pennsylvania for over 30 years.

Since the fall of communism, their desire was to return to Romania to bring the Gospel to their native land.

Since 2011, they work as AG missionaries in the Southeastern part of Romania, where they established a community center as a hub from which they will continue to plant churches in the largely unevangelized, poverty stricken region. Their focus is revitalization through literacy courses, medical care, after-school and job training.

Mike and Ana have three children and eight grandchildren, all living in the US.

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