
Ben & Carly Loper

Serving in Asia Pacific

Christian, Zoey & Micah

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Our Family

Ben, Carly, Christian, Zoey and Micah make up the Loper family. They have served as worship pastors at their church in Rapid City, South Dakota for the past five years. Carly has spent over 20 years in radio and voice-over work. They write and record music under Crown and Arrow Music. Worship, prayer, and evangelism are at the heart of who they are.


Our Call

We believe as followers of Jesus we are all called to make our mark on this world by adhering to the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15: "Go and proclaim the gospel." We simply asked, "Where, Lord?" and He began to show us the need in French Polynesia.


Our Ministry

Ben has a burden to share the Gospel and a gift for evangelism. Together we are excited to partner with the national church in evangelism and discipleship. Our desire is to assist in planting more churches on the many islands that make up French Polynesia. Will you partner with us?

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