
Frank & Lois Mayes

Serving in International Ministries

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Account 2360048

[email protected] Phone: +417-773-2875 Work: 417-848-8339 Mobile: 417-848-8339


Frank and Lois Mayes, Assemblies of God missionaries with International Ministries

Frank and Lois have had a wide ministry in Africa. They, along with the Carrol Deal family, were the first Pentecostal missionaries to Spanish-speaking Equatorial Guinea, serving in that Central African nation from 1986-90. In 1991, they went to Namibia for the first time. During the next 4 years, they were involved in a variety of church planting and building projects.

In 1995, their term of service took them to Swaziland, bordered by Mozambique and South Africa. There, Frank taught in a Bible school, served as general superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Swaziland, and was involved in pastoral and evangelistic ministry. Lois taught at the school, directed the Women's Ministries program for Swaziland, and promoted children's ministry. In 1999, the Namibian church leaders asked them to return to Namibia in order to establish a Bible school and help in church planting. From 2001-2005, they worked in church planting and in the construction and formation of Namibia Ministry Training Institute.

In 2006, they began working with Convoy of Hope International, a group of people dedicated to helping those in need. COHI goes into areas of the world that have suffered natural disasters and obtains and distributes basic necessities. Frank focused on teaching people how to build water filters: dirty, impure water goes in, but 99% pure, clean water comes out!

The Mayes are currently working with Sustain Hope in International Ministries. Throughout the world, Sustain Hope teaches sustainable community development, demonstrating the love of God in practical ways in poor areas as well as in gospel-resistant regions. 

Prior to missionary appointment, Frank pastored churches in Colorado and Missouri and conducted revivals. Lois was involved in children's rministries and taught in both public and private schools.

"Showing the love of Christ, extending His hands to the needy, offering hope to the hopeless is done through word and deed. Offering good water to people is a wonderful example of how much Jesus cares about our most our basic physical and spiritual needs. Only He can give the water of Life to thirsty, weary people who will never need to thirst again!" says Frank.

"Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless...Rescue the weak and needy," Ps 82:3-4

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