
Flynn & Renee Clanton

Serving in Latin America Caribbean

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Account 2250306

[email protected] Mobile: +1 269-408-6464


Flynn and Renee serve as Assemblies of God missionaries using the global internet ministry of Network211 to present the Gospel worldwide. The unique outreach of Network211 has presented Jesus in 17 languages to over 59 million people in 242 countries and territories around the world since the ministry began in 2008. Flynn is Network211's Director of Spanish Outreach.  Since 2012, over 11 million people have viewed a Gospel presentation on one of our Spanish evangelism websites, juntosenelcamino.com and descubreajesus.com. On average, 30 new people a day write in for follow up, having just responded to the Gospel online!

Going into their fifth missions term, Flynn and Renee will continue to live in Medellin, Colombia working throughout Latin America and Spain raising up and equipping teams of volunteers to follow up with the people getting saved online in their own country. The goal is for each person who encounters Jesus online to be connected to a local AG church, bringing people from "searches to churches". Flynn and Renee have established Spanish volunteer ministry teams of 121 Connectors in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay and the United States.

Flynn and Renee’s previous missions' assignments have included serving in Argentina, Burkina Faso and among Arab Muslims in the United States. Renee also served 3 years with Project Rescue Eurasia, a ministry that rescues and restores victims of sexual slavery. Prior to his call to world missions, Flynn served as an Assembly of God pastor/youth pastor for 19 years. They have five adult children- Brooks, Laurie and her husband Danny (and grandsons David and Maverick), Rachel and her husband Lucas (and granddaughter Lucy), Olivia and her husband Brandon, and Sophia.

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