Jon and Dede met on the campus of Central Bible College in the fall of 2001. She was pursuing a degree in Deaf Ministry and he a degree in Theology. They married in the summer of 2002 and they both graduated in 2003. Jon and Dede have two amazing children, Sarah Nadine 13, and James 10. They have had the privilege of being children's pastors in Alabama for 11 years before God called them to the mission field. In 2014 door was opened for them to work in Venezuela with Missionaries Gary and Patty Heiney at The Samuel's House children's home for nearly 2 years. When the political turmoil in Venezuela forced them to return home in the summer of 2016, Jon and Dede felt God's presence leading them to reach the Deaf of Latin America. The Deaf are one of the largest people unreached groups in Latin America and South America. Meaning, less than 2% are evangelical Christians. Jon, Dede, Sarah Nadine, and James are excited about returning to Colombia to help plant deaf churches, disciple deaf leaders, evangelize deaf children, and raise awareness for Deaf Missions. We believe Colombia is a staging ground for further deaf ministry throughout South America. We ask for you to pray for us this year while we itinerate so that we can return and finish the work that God has laid upon our hearts. We also ask that you would consider supporting us in monthly support or through a one-time donation. Thank you and God bless!
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